Issue No. 166

From the Executive Principal

Staff Garth Wynne

Garth Wynne
Executive Principal

Q2 A6750 cropped

As the boys across all years face concluding exams, I thought back to the simple advice I used to give my own children at such times and it was this – THINK HARD.

It was a simple play for me on try hard, run hard, swim hard and so on. As an adverb HARD means ‘with a great deal of effort,’ and it always seemed so apt and simple. The THINK part was of course the expectation that when entering the exam context my children ‘used’ their brains and were in fact thinking – this anticipated being creative and considered in the task – not a sponge regurgitating facts, but a dynamic mind representing both knowledge and interpretation. I am confident our boys can and will ‘think hard’ over ensuing weeks and the outcomes will reflect how hard they have thought through the process.

In recent weeks I have been asked by a number of people across the community about the state of the school roll for 2021. At the time of writing we are hovering around a total roll of 696 with 700 as a round target. Waiting lists at several year levels are very much a consequence of House and class size restraints. Of this enrolment just over 100 boys have some degree of financial support provided by the College Foundation reflecting particular talents, socioeconomic needs or a combination of both, and College's desire to embrace diversity through the enrolment process. We can confidently say the inn is very much full, and movement is now as much to do with late withdrawal and replacement, than any other factor. It is apposite at this time to acknowledge the wonderful work of our Admissions’ Team who are the first face of College for our prospective families. Admissions Registrar Sarah Fechney and International Student Manager Deanne Gath have both been in their roles for just under five years, a period that has seen our roll grow by over 10%. As a team Sarah and Deanne do so much to make people feel welcome and this community is indebted to them in many ways.

Finishing Well

Part of our message to the boys about this time of year is to finish well. It is with this in mind that I remind parents reading In Black & White that our final prize-givings are compulsory for all boys, as are House events prior to Carols on the Quad, the last service of the year. These are both expectations and celebrations that reflect the best of our community. It also hoped that parents will see this as an opportunity to connect with our community in a real and substantial way.

Staff Changes

I am pleased to let the community know of two significant changes in staff. Congratulations to Darrell Thatcher who has been appointed to a different role within the College Executive from the beginning of 2021, as our first Assistant Principal – Planning, Co-Curricular and Administration having most recently been our Director of Boarding and The Centre for Character & Leadership. To our current Head of English, Advanced Learning and Debating, Sian Evans, our very best wishes and further congratulations as she moves to our sister school as the Head of the Senior School at St Margaret’s College.


The final opportunity for the College community to comment on our general Strategy to 2025 reflecting Change and Continuity is now. You can find our latest iteration here and you are asked to comment via email

Annual Appeal

I’m thrilled to announce this year’s 2020 Annual Appeal has raised $92,171. I am so proud of our generous community who gave to support those who have been economically affected by Covid-19. As you may remember this year’s Annual Appeal’s focus was our own community – our families. This money will directly support boys whose families are experiencing significant financial hardship. In the event we are able to meet the immediate needs of our current families, and should we be in the fortunate position of having surplus funds, these gifts will be used to support future students who otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to attend College.

Alcohol, Drugs, Parties and Teens

Online masterclass with Maggie Dent and Paul Dillon.
In this special masterclass, parenting author Maggie Dent is joined by one of Australia’s leading alcohol and other drug educators, Paul Dillon to help parents better understand and communicate with their adolescents about alcohol, other drugs, vaping, impact on mental health, identifying problems use, and staying safe at parties. Paul is a previous speaker at one of our Parent Education evenings. To register click here.

Royal Commission

As you know, the wellbeing and safety of students and staff at Christ’s College is our highest priority. We do all we can to help ensure the best possible school environment so our boys can reach their potential.

I have previously been in touch with our community and you will no doubt be aware of the Royal Commission’s Inquiry into what happened to children, young people and vulnerable adults in State and faith-based care in Aotearoa New Zealand between the years 1950–1999. The Commission may also listen to survivor experiences before and after these dates.

Christ’s College considers all forms of abuse unacceptable. Our protocols set out best practice for abuse prevention and outline processes to follow should a former or current student come forward with a complaint about abuse.

If you have concerns that you want to share, we have set up a dedicated confidential email or you can call me. Alternatively, you can contact the Royal Commission directly here. All discussions will be treated in the utmost confidence.

Whole School Photo

On Wednesday 14 October we gathered all staff and boys for a whole school photo – our once-every-five-years event. Next week your sons (one per family) will be asked to collect their copy via reception. However, if your son is in Year 13, this photo will be supplied in his leavers' pack on the last day of the year. Each boy will be marked as having received his photo; each family will be charged $75 on their College account. Please keep an eye out for this special photograph.

End of year

We know the end of year gets incredibly busy, please ensure you have the below dates locked in your calendar. For a comprehensive list of all activities, please click here.

Monday 16 November–Wednesday 9 December
NZQA examinations

Wednesday 18 November
Nelson Community Visit

Thursday 19 November
Canterbury Teacher Only Day

Sunday 29 November
Chapel Advent Service (compulsory for Years 9 & 10)

Thursday 3 December
Junior prize-giving, 3pm
Carols on the Quad, 6pm

Friday 4 December
Thank you breakfast for Year 13 boarding parents (Flower’s, School, Richards)
Senior prize-giving, 6pm
Leavers’ service, 7.30pm

Saturday 5 December
Leavers’ Ball (parents and students), 7.30pm

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Boarding Matters

Staff Darrell Thatcher

Darrell Thatcher
Deputy Principal – Planning & Co-curricular

Communication is key

As we near the end of another year it is time to reflect on 2020 and make plans for 2021. Part of the reflection process was the Friends of Boarding survey which many of you completed at the end of Term 3. Your input was valued and a summary of feedback and ideas moving into 2021 is below.

Feedback suggested that emails from your Housemaster or the Director of Boarding’s regular letters were main sources of information. Schoolbox also rated highly. A reminder that the Director of Boarding page is now on Schoolbox as a central area to look up information from previous Boarding Matters articles, Director of Boarding letters and Friends of Boarding updates. Continuing education on how to maximise Schoolbox will be looked at in 2021 to educate parents on what they can access via Schoolbox.

In 2021 we will be introducing a parent contact in each year group, in each Boarding House. The role of each parent contact is to enable parents/caregivers from your son's year group to get to know each other. Before the year starts, the parent contact will touch base to introduce themselves, and gather information details so that all parents/caregivers can have a contact list and form a Messenger or WhatsApp group for messages and photo sharing. This will help with learning each others’ names, so parents/caregivers can get to know one another as they attend House events. The parent contact will promote events and share information over the year and if the parents are keen, coordinate a social event. If you are interested in becoming a year group parent contact for your son's House year group, please contact me

Social events
Feedback suggested the Athletics Day lunch as well as the House dinner and shoot continue to be popular events and were missed this year. The intention is that these events, along with House music and House play pre-drinks and nibbles, will be taking place in 2021. The initial Boarding Mothers’ Morning Tea prior to The Pink Lunch was a success this year, and will also continue in 2021.

Friends of Boarding sessions
This continues to evolve, but based on your feedback termly online sessions will be introduced in 2021. These will hopefully be more convenient to your time. Themes suggested included the teenage brain, leadership, mental health and wellbeing, and communication with teens. A mixture of guest speakers and small-group sessions came through most strongly from your feedback, illustrating not just the appeal of guest speakers but also the opportunity to have brainstorming and round-the-table discussions. Virtual round-the-table discussions are an option.

Dining Hall and nutrition
This is a continual work in progress and comments made in this area have been acknowledged. An idea suggested for 2021 is the publishing of menus so there is transparency about the variety of food on offer. These will be published in the fortnightly Boarding Matters articles.

There were some great suggestions received in the survey for further developing feedback mechanisms, both for the boys and parents/caregivers. These will be considered, and we will keep you updated on options and initiatives in 2021.

Thank you breakfast for parents of Year 13 Boarders

Friday 4 December, 8.30–9.45am, Dining Hall
We would like to invite you to join us for a special breakfast hosted by Executive Principal Garth Wynne, Board Chair Hugh Lindo and I. It gives us the opportunity to thank you for your support and welcome those families who soon will no longer have a son at College, to our Friends of College community. Please RSVP to

Finally, as Garth has mentioned in his article, I have been appointed to the position of Assistant Principal – Planning, Co-Curricular and Administration at College. I am excited about this new role and the challenges that lie ahead. After 18 years involved in boarding and living on site at Christ’s College it will be a significant change for my family and I. I will miss the boarding community including the boys, staff and you, the parents, and want to thank you all for your support – especially over the past four years. I would like to think we have made some significant changes for the better of Christ's College boarding in this time. With the new role not officially beginning until the start of 2021, for now it is business as usual until my replacement is appointed.

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Curriculum News

Staff Nicole Billante

Nicole Billante
Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning

Give it your best

This week marks the start of NCEA Examinations for Years 11, 12, and 13. As classes ended, we met with the senior year groups to go through their exam rules to ensure they are ready. One concerning trend appeared, particularly for our younger cohorts: questions around choosing not to sit an assessment. While I know that some of the questions were ‘testing the boundaries’, there was also some element of sincerity in the queries, so I wanted to take the opportunity of our In Black & White communications to emphasise my final message to all the students heading out on study leave: give it your best.

Sometimes there are very valid reasons to not attempt an exam paper, referred to in short as SNA (Standard Not Attempted). Some courses enter students into all three exams, knowing they only expect students to attempt two, but not all content is taught by the NZQA 1 September deadline, so students do not know their strongest two topics until much closer to the exam. Likewise, it could be a student has a period of illness or has shifted schools and missed some content, so it is simply not feasible for them to attempt the exam. So, in and of itself an SNA does not always signify poor choices by the boys.

But, sometimes it does.

The current NCEA system has some great strengths, but there is a weakness in that students can credit count and work out that they do not necessarily need to pass certain exams to get their qualifications and endorsements. (Thankfully this is being addressed in large part with the changes to NCEA in the next few years.) What troubles me with this credit counting, is that boys all too easily opt out. Whether it be for fear of failure, strategic efforts for endorsements, or sometimes pure laziness, the boys choose to ignore whole sections of their learning when it comes to NCEA exams. There are two major problems with this, in my view.

The first issue is that boys are not seeing assessment as part of their learning, but a hoop to jump through. My ideal is for all boys to be motivated to learn for learning’s sake, understanding that they will be more rounded people the more knowledge and skills they can acquire. Assessment should just be the means by which you can show others what you have learned.

The second issue is that boys are not taking healthy risks with their learning. To try one's hardest does mean that sometimes we don’t reach our desired standard. Sometimes we will fail. But we learn so much from this, and it helps us do better next time. Trying hard in an exam is emotionally and mentally taxing, but it’s a courageous act and one that has far more value in the long term than a perfect record.

Not to mention that sometimes the calculations can also go wrong! Every year we have students who made assumptions about what they would pass and then find themselves on results day, a few credits short because the exam did not go as expected. This is not a result of not enough opportunities, but rather not taking all on offer.

Why do I make all these points? To spark conversation and reflection in the homes of our learners. If you’re a parent reading this, please take the time to check in on your son’s plans for his exams. If you’re a student, actively consider if you are opting out without good reason. And for our Year 9 and 10 families, consider how you start building the habits and thoughts now that will ensure you’re ready to be a healthy risk-taker when you hit NCEA.

Each boy can only be his best, if he tries his best.

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Wellbeing & Positive Education

John Quinn IBW

John Quinn
Director of Wellbeing & Positive Education

Boys look to their fathers

As we move into the end of the year, many of us are eyeing up a break over Christmas to recharge and relax.

As a parent this is also an important time as our children have some down time and have the chance to relax and unwind as well. It is a great opportunity to reflect on how best to manage our young men and how to parent them so that they grow into young men of character and values. The theme for School TV is Raising Boys and I would highly recommend that you take some time over the summer break to watch some of the videos that they have there. They have some great speakers discussing the challenges involved in raising young men as well as some excellent tips that you can use as a parent.

The quote below is a starting point:

“A boy’s behaviour is learnt through watching their father or other male role models. His physical maturity is at odds with his mental and brain development. Although he may look like a mature young man at 16, he doesn’t yet think like one.”

Ensuring our young men have consistent and positive male role models is important. Fathers are crucial in teaching and leading our young men through their journey from boyhood to manhood. The challenge for all of our fathers is to take some time to look at the videos on School TV, and then over the summer months have discussions about what it means to be a man in the 21st century. Our young men are looking for guidance and advice from the important men in their lives. If they don’t get it from you, they may get it from the wrong place.

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From the Chaplain

It was wonderful to have so many of you present and participating in Chapel when the Choir presented “Messe solennelle” by Louis Vierne, scored for choir and two organs, at the special All Saints (1 November) Choral Eucharist.

We now look forward to Sunday 29 November at 7pm, the Advent Carol service. Then, Thursday 3 December at 6pm we have Carols on the Quad for everyone. The Leavers’ Service this year is Friday 4 December at 7.30pm.

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Carols on the Quad 2020 IBW Banner 2020


Staff Chris Sellars

Chris Sellars
Careers Advisor

Upcoming careers dates
10 DecemberClosing date for 2021 first year applications to Universities
10 DecemberOtago University – closing date for Summer School applications
14 DecemberUniversity of Canterbury – apply to enrol by this date
5 January–17 February 2021Auckland University Summer Start Programme
11 January 2021Otago University Summer School

Christ's College CareerWise

Click here to see recent posts on our CareerWise website. Click here to subscribe to our CareerWise website and receive weekly updates about careers events, news and job opportunities.

Career Profiles

All students in Years 11, 12 and 13 completed their career interviews and together we produced a career profile, which looks at their current subjects, subjects they enjoy, character strengths, and education and other achievements. Also covered are any work-related experiences, both paid and unpaid, interests and hobbies, co-curricular activities, short and long-term career goals, and subjects to be considered for the following year. Boys are able to meet with me as often as they wish. I am usually able to organise an appointment within 24 hours. Other areas of discussion have included tertiary scholarships and applications, university accommodation, tertiary course planning, writing a curriculum vitae, and taking a gap year. I phone parents or caregivers after these meetings and a copy of each boy’s career profile is placed in Schoolbox.

Year 10 – My Career Plan & MyMahi

All Year 10 boys had their first introduction to career options and planning through the My Career Plan module, which was part of the Immerse & Inspire programme. My Career Plan asks each boy to consider: who am I?, what sort of person am I? (based on John Holland’s theory of career choice and personality types), subject choices, work values, jobs by interest, a career investigation, skills employers are looking for, and an action plan. They joined up to the MyMahi digital platform and are now able to keep track of their Goals, Reflections (character strengths), Career Pathway, Curriculum Vitae and news feed.

Old Boys Mentor – Josh Ting (Medical student)

We continue to encourage Old Boys to contact the Old Boys’ Association if they would like to help as career mentors to talk to boys interested in their field. Please contact Alumni Manager Lizzie Dyer or phone 03 364 6862. Due to Covid-19 we didn't have the opportunity to reach out to as many boys as in 2019. Recently Josh Ting (2014–2018) talked to boys interested in medical studies in Australia. Josh compared New Zealand and Australia and gave extremely helpful advice and insight. He was very generous with the time he gave and the presentation he prepared and shared. I am very happy to share his presentation to those who are interested.

Careers in the Curriculum

Our different subject areas are always keen to have visiting speakers come to College to talk to classes. Agribusiness with teacher Dr Mike Field and Mechanical Engineering with teacher Gavin Love are two areas in particular that lend themselves to this. We are lucky to have access to expert speakers in their respective fields and the students see it as a real-life learning experience. Gavin also has links within the light engineering (sheet metal manufacturing), heavy engineering (heavy steel manufacturing) and agricultural equipment (manufacturing and servicing) industries, with visits depending on production schedule deadlines. It has been difficult to have trips outside College this year.


Ara Institute of Canterbury, the largest vocational training institute in the South Island, offers both Bachelor degrees and trade courses. The degree programme should not be underestimated. Degree students from Ara will get to work with degree students from universities in various companies, with both degrees being of equal importance and pay scale. A degree some boys may like to consider is the Bachelor of Engineering Technology – Civil, Electrical and Mechanical. A number of our boys have chosen to go to Ara to study courses such as: NZ Certificate in Automotive Engineering, including heavy and collision repair; NZ Certificate in Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Fabrication; NZ Certificate in Construction Trade Skills, including carpentry, painting and decorating; NZ Certificate in Electrical Engineering; and NZ Certificate in Plumbing, Gasfitting and Drainlaying. These courses are between 20 weeks and one year in duration.

    Jobs of the future

    In a report published last week, the World Economic Forum said the rise of machines and automation would eliminate 85 million jobs by 2025. At the same time, the WEF expects 97 million new jobs to be created, meaning an overall addition of 12 million jobs. The report stressed the need for “reskilling” and “upskilling” from employers to ensure staff are sufficiently equipped for the future of work. WEF says machines will create more jobs than they destroy, but warns of pandemic 'double-disruption.'

    These are the jobs the WEF expects to be lost to machines in 2025 – data entry clerks, administrative and executive secretaries, accounting, bookkeeping and payroll clerks, accountants and auditors, assembly and factory workers, business services and administration managers, client information and customer service workers, general and operations managers, mechanics and machinery repairers, material-recording and stock control clerks.

    And these are the new roles expected to face growing demand – data analysts and scientists, AI and machine learning specialists, big data specialists, digital marketing and strategy specialists, process automation specialists, business development professionals, digital transformation specialists, information security analysts, software and applications developers.

    2020 Leavers

    Below are the statistics, as of November 2020 for boys leaving at the end of the year. 89% intend to study at tertiary institutions in 2021 and 11% intend to either work, follow their sport, do a pre-trade course or apprenticeship.

    The following percentages apply to those who are attending tertiary institutions in 2021 and their intended place of study (110/123):

    • 42% University of Canterbury
    • 24% University of Otago
    • 11% Lincoln University
    • 8% Victoria University
    • 5% University of Auckland
    • 3% AUT
    • 3% Australia/USA universities
    • 2% Defence Forces
    • 2% Other providers

    Of the 2020 leavers attending tertiary institutions in 2021, the following percentages indicate the intended areas of study:

    • 32% Commerce/Commerce & Law
    • 11% Engineering
    • 10% Science/Science & Law
    • 8% Arts(BA)/Arts & Law
    • 7% Health Sciences
    • 7% Agriculture – BComAg/BAgSci/BAg/DipAg
    • 6% Design/Product Design/Architecture
    • 5% Sport/Coaching/Management/Science
    • 3% Aviation/Marine
    • 3% Property
    • 3% Computer Science
    • 3% Politics/Economics
    • 2% Defence Forces

    Practical skills for life

    The Ministry of Education has recently published a range of resources and advice for school leavers. For more information, go to

    The students job guide

    MoneyHub has updated its comprehensive directory of student jobs. With 50+ well-known employers listed and links to their student job application details, getting a part-time job is a lot easier with this guide:

    In Black & White – Careers

    In Careers news, I like to present information that is relevant both to the boys and their parents. I am aware not all boys read it, so I hope parents will use the information provided as a springboard for investigation, discussion and inspiration, to help their sons as they consider their future. I feel the future of work will continue to be an interesting topic for all. Thank you for reading – I welcome and appreciate your feedback and look forward to bringing you further career information in 2021.

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    From the Archives

    Jane Teal

    The Carol Service

    The first verse of “Once in Royal David’s City” sung by a treble floating over the Quad or echoing round the Chapel or ChristChurch Cathedral is one of the haunting memories that many Old Boys will have of their time at Christ’s College.

    But when did it all begin?

    When you are seeking an answer to this kind of question the first place to look is the Chapel Service Registers. On 17 December 1922 at 7pm are the words “Carol Service.”i

    The Register was more explicit about what happened.

    “On the last Sunday of the term, at Evensong, a Choral Service was held. Several of the best carols had been printed and practised, and the singing of them by the whole School was an impressive and memorable performance. The atmosphere of Christmas was unmistakably produced, and the Service was a fitting ending to the term.”ii

    The Service Register provides the next clue. On 7 December 1958, the College Chaplain, Patrick Parr, wrote the words “Nine Lessons and Carols” alongside the 7pm Carol Service.iii So clearly this was something different from the usual Carol Service.

    The service of Nine Lessons and Carols has its origin in the Diocese of Truro, in Cornwall in 1880. It was an attempt by the Bishop, Edward White Benson, to keep the locals away from the public houses on Christmas Eve. Choirs around England adopted it, but it was not until 1918 when the Choir Master of Kings College, Cambridge, Eric Milner White, made some alterations, that it took on the format that we know today. The service developed a world- wide audience following its broadcast in 1928.

    The change from the Chapel to ChristChurch Cathedral for the Carol Service is summed up on one line in the Diary of Events for 1985 “Thurs 28 [November] Carol Service – at last the CC Chapel proves too small, and we move to the Cathedral.”iv In 1985 the College Roll reached 635, with 265 boarders and 370 dayboys. By the time staff and parents were added to the congregation it was clear that additional space was a necessity. And so, for the next 15 years College walked in House groups along Worcester Street for the evening service.

    West Door reduced

    The choir processes from the West Door of ChristChurch Cathedral, 2006.

    In 2011 everything changed. Carols on the Quad emerged.

    Choir reduced

    The Choir in rehersal, 2011.

    Over the years we have developed our own traditions.

    Leaving staff are invited to read one of the Lessons.

    Paul Arnold reduced

    Paul Arnold reading a lesson in 2003.

    It is at the end of this service that the choir roles for the following year are assumed.

    Handover reduced

    The crucifer received the cross, 2006.

    Carols will again be on the Quad on Thursday 3 December at 6pm and everyone's welcome.

    2019 Carols on the Quad 4

    Carols on the Quad, 2019.

    i Service Register, Christ’s College Chapel 1917-1929
    ii Christ’s College Register December 1922 p125
    iii Service Register, Christ’s College Chapel 1952-1962
    iv Christ’s College Register for 1985 p25
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    The 175th

    Jane Teal

    The first 175 and a few more…C, D, E, F and G

    Preparations have begun for the 175th celebrations in 2025 and we’d like to know some more about the first 175 boys who attended Christ’s College. Just over 175 names are in the College List up to and including 1862, and there are also those who attended College in Lyttelton. So, over the next few issues of In Black & White, there will be lists of those we’d like to make a connection with. We know that some boys did not have families, but they are included just in case there is a great, great, great, nephew or niece who can help us out. Perhaps you might draw up a family tree and phone the Old Boys’ Alumni Manager Lizzie Dyer (03-364-6862) or email it to her at, or email it to the archivist, or post it to the archivist at Private Bag 4900 Christchurch 8140.

    Families are gathered together in the following list, except where the information we have is not clear about a family connection. If this is the case, names are listed separately.

    Thomas De Renzy CONDELL

    Walter Selby COOKSON

    Henry James CORKE

    Arthur James and Francis Henry COTTERILL

    John COXHEAD

    John Henry CRIDLAND

    Charles CRYER

    Walter Collier CUFF

    George Marsh DANN

    Thomas DARTON

    John William DAVIS

    Alfred and Frederick Nelson DILLON


    Arthur Dudley and Edward Henry DOBSON

    James Pottinger DRAKE

    Sam Routledge DRANSFIELD

    Benjamin Thornton, Charles Thornton and Henry Thornton DUDLEY

    Andrew DUNCAN

    Charles Devy and Roger Barnes FEARON

    James Bickerton FISHER

    William Alfred FITZHERBERT

    Charles Compton FOOKS

    Thomas GORDON

    Joseph GOULD

    Arthur Robert and Edward Rowland GUINESS

    Charles Edward GUNDRY

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    Latest News & Events

    Geraldine Rock 1

    By Tomorrow...they're worth $5000

    They were the youngest group at the Geraldine Arts Festival, but By Tomorrow played up a storm giving a stand out performance and winning the $5000 first prize.

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    Face mask 4

    Entrepreneur in the making

    Necessity is the mother of invention they say...

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    BB Fat Eddies 5

    Big Band impresses at Fat Eddie’s

    The Big Band and the Jazz Combo made a big splash at Fat Eddie’s on Sunday 8 November, entertaining patrons for 90 minutes with a programme which ranged from Rent...

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    Be Inspired 2020 5

    Young leaders in the making

    As popular as ever, the annual half-day leadership conference, Be Inspired, saw 200 eager Year 7 students from 17 schools around Canterbury descend on College on Wednesday 11 November...

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    Cricket Wine Fundraiser

    The College Cricket Committee are excited to launch our 2020 Paddy Borthwick Wine Fundraiser, just in time for the festive season!

    This collection of beautiful wines is perfect for those long summer days and evenings, and makes a fabulous Christmas gift for friends and colleagues. Paddy Borthwick (a Christ’s College Old Boy) is very generously donating $40 per case sold to Christ’s College Cricket. The fundraiser will assist in the much-needed refurbishment of the CCC wickets, a project that will significantly benefit College cricketers now and in years to come.

    Wine is purchased in case lots, with mixed cases available if preferred. Cases can be couriered on request, at an additional charge (please email to arrange delivery). Click here to view the information sheet.

    Orders close 22 November.

    Place an order today!

    Please click here to place an order. Feel free to share this link with friends and family. Your support of our Christ’s College cricketers is greatly appreciated.

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    Upcoming Events

    18 NovemberNelson Community Visit, 6–8pm
    3 DecemberCarols on the Quad
    Everyone's welcome
    8 DecemberAlcohol, Drugs, Parties and Teens – online masterclass with Maggie Dent and Paul Dillon, 8pm (Sydney time)


    20 NovemberChristchurch Long Lunch, 12.30pm
    26 NovemberChristchurch YOBs, 6–8pm
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    Reunion Weeknd Save the date IBW Banner