Issue No. 166

From the Executive Principal

Staff Garth Wynne

Garth Wynne
Executive Principal

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There was a palpable buzz around College on Friday afternoon following the win of the Men’s Rowing VIII at the Tokyo Olympics.

There was a strong College influence ‘steering’ the boat to victory, with Old Boy and cox Sam Bosworth (the Maadi Cup-winning College cox in 2012) and coach Tony O’Connor (a former and future staff member). What a great story of perseverance, given the crew’s path to the competition. What a lesson for us all about the potential of purpose combined with process. We congratulate both Sam and Tony on this stunning success.

Sport is a significant part of life at schools for boys. Many life lessons can be learnt on the ‘playing field’, including leadership, teamwork, dealing with disappointment and celebrating with humility and respect. It is also a place where friendships for life are often made, forged through time spent playing together. College now enjoys some of its best results for many years across our sporting codes while sticking to a philosophy that demands generalisation (boys must choose a different sport in both summer and winter) and compulsion. We continually test our programmes and ensure that every boy is well supported through quality coaching and preparation – be that physical or psychological. Fundamental to our success is having our teaching staff work alongside our boys as managers or coaches (or both). This influence holds our boys to our standards, and expectations should never be understated. Find out more about our sporting programme here.

An Olympics story I have shared with the boys relates to Australian basketballer Andrew Gaze, who attended five Games. Andrew talked about the “atmosphere of excellence” he felt within the Olympic Village, surrounded by extraordinary people who inspired awe – despite being one of them himself.

I often ask the boys how are you contributing to (through your attitude, character and effort) and benefiting from (through following the example of those you see around you) the ‘atmosphere of excellence’ we experience at Christ’s College? The answer may well define if you are making the most of your opportunities.

Rev. Bosco Peters to retire after 24 years

Rev. Bosco Peters has decided to retire after a remarkable 24 years of service at Christ’s College. Bosco will step down at the end of the year. Through that time, he has had a far-reaching impact on every College boy and many colleagues, offering support and guidance at all levels – from Chapel to his Religious Education classes and his outstanding work leading the Centre for Ethics & Spirituality programme. We are indebted to both Bosco and his ever-present and supportive wife, Helen, who we will farewell from College in a variety of ways later in the year.

2021 Giving Day

This year’s Annual Appeal takes the form of a special ‘Giving Day’, with donations going to our scholarship funds for those boys who may not otherwise be able to attend College. A College education is a life-changing opportunity and scholarship recipients greatly enrich our community with fresh experiences and perspectives. We encourage you to contribute to this special day, with donations to be matched and tripled on the day. Every contribution will make a difference. We are seeking volunteers to help out on the day. If you would like to be involved, click here.

More information will be communicated over the coming weeks. If you have any queries, contact Shelley Keach on 03 364 6818 or email

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Boarding Matters

Staff Ben Vink 8793 2222 SQ

Ben Vink
Deputy Principal – Student Care

Strong boarding advocate steps down

Arthur Wood has resigned as Housemaster of School House – stepping down at the end of the year. However, he will continue to teach Mathematics at College. I want to acknowledge Arthur’s contribution to School House and the wider boarding community. He has been a wonderful advocate for both, and his work ethic is incredible. He has worked tirelessly for the boys and has been a well-loved leader of the School House community, bringing great ideas and a strong commitment. For me, Arthur has been a wonderful supporter in my Housemaster roles at Julius and Flower’s House. Many thanks to Arthur and to Vicki, Rebekah and Josh for being a wonderful House family, supporting Arthur behind the scenes, through the dinner interruptions and late nights.

Wellbeing – Komodo Monitr for Years 9–11

In our boarding community, we always strive to improve the experience and strongly support our boys. Last year, Years 9–10 students in Flower’s House trialled a special app, Komodo Monitr, for two terms. Using the app, the boys completed a quick survey on a regular basis, concentrating on their wellbeing within the House. Several questions focused on sleep and happiness, with all confidential information sent only to the relevant Housemaster and Deputy Housemaster.

We are now using Komodo Monitr to potentially start a conversation with the boys about wellbeing and happiness. While our boys may be unsure about talking to a staff member in person, they are happy to make contact via the app. Several New Zealand schools use the app, and there has been positive feedback about this approach. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Whats for dinner?

Click here to view the Dining Hall menu produced by the talented team at Spotless.

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Curriculum News

Staff Nicole Billante

Nicole Billante
Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning

It’s time to make course selections

We are starting to look ahead to next year and the wonderful academic opportunities for students at all levels.

Our Christ’s College Diploma option choices opened to students on Monday and we recently welcomed many parents to our College Diploma course selection evening to talk through the different courses available to their sons.

The NCEA option choices open next Monday, with our course selection education evening on Tuesday 10 August. At this evening, Heads of Department will be available to answer any questions, along with representatives from the University of Canterbury, Lincoln University, and Ara.

All Years 9–10 students have attended a session explaining their option choices for the College Diploma. I encourage the boys to take their time in making decisions as there is much a higher level of choice than in previous years. Start with the course booklets (with links provided below) and do not judge a book by its cover. Read all the descriptions to ensure that you will enjoy the content. Once boys have taken all this on board, they can then enter their options online.

I also encourage the boys to talk to their Housemasters, Mentors, and subject teachers before making their choices. Please talk to your sons about their best approach to course selection and remember that options can be changed prior to the due date.

For further information, read the course booklets here:
Year 10 course booklet (for current Year 9 students)

Year 11 course booklet (for current Year 10 students)

NCEA course booklet (for current Year 11–12 students)

The Curriculum Studies Guide provides a general overview of our curriculum.

Just a reminder that College Diploma course options are due on 13 August while NCEA course options are due on 20 August.

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Wellbeing & Positive Education

John Quinn IBW

John Quinn
Director of Wellbeing & Positive Education

Parent Education Evening – Promoting positive body image in boys

We invite parents to learn about how behaviour and language can contribute to shape and weight concerns – along with unhealthy eating – among boys.

Hosted by the Christ’s College and Medbury School wellbeing teams, registered nurse and therapist Anna Comins and senior clinical psychologist Jo Vallance will detail healthy beliefs and behaviour to boost confidence and wellbeing among boys.

Working in private practice at the Psychology Hub in Riccarton, both Anna and Jo support young people who have body image concerns, eating disorders and associated problems.

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Which factors determine happiness?

Sonja Lyubomirsky (2007), a psychology researcher, theorises there are key factors that contribute to happiness:

  • Genetic happiness set-point is responsible for 50% of our happiness, determined by our personalities and genetics.
  • Intentional activity accounts for about 40% of our happiness, meaning the activities that we intentionally set out to do throughout our lives can enhance our wellbeing or increase our happiness.
  • Environmental circumstances account for 10% of the reasons we are happy. Usually it depends on our circumstances and how this encourages or inhibits skills and opportunities for us to achieve happiness (Lyubomirsky, 2007).

Science informs us that we can intentionally promote positive emotions and happiness by focusing on the 40% that is within our control. Learning to express gratitude has been identified as a key strategy in supporting our young people to cope with challenges and enhance happiness, as gratitude amplifies our perspective of the world. By intentionally teaching our children the value of gratitude, this can be a source of inner strength, perseverance and positive coping – especially in the face of challenges.

What are effective ways to support our children to practice gratitude?

Here are some suggestions from Australian psychologist Professor Lea Waters:

  • Encourage your children to reflect on factors in each day that they are grateful for.
  • Ask your children to think of someone who has made a difference in their lives. Then, have them write a letter expressing their gratitude to that person. While it may appear that this only benefits the recipient, research shows it also helps the writer feel happier.
  • Engage in a good walk or meal and encourage your young people to pay attention to their senses – what can they see, hear, smell taste? It can be a great way to boost vital psychological mechanisms like adaptability, gratitude, and one’s ability to cope.

If you can help your children stick to these activities, they can change their perspective and learn how to feel gratitude no matter what.

“The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.” – Dalai Lama
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Health Centre

Nicky Taylor IBW

Nicky Taylor
Health Centre Nurse

Rachel Trengrove IBW

Rachel Trengrove
Health Centre Nurse

A message from the Health Centre...

Respiratory Syncytial Virus

It is hard to believe that we are halfway through the school year, and more than halfway through winter. Despite a long and busy Term 2, our rates of illness were not too bad.

You will be aware of the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) that is overwhelming paediatric wards nationwide. It is highly contagious, and spread by coughing and sneezing. Because this virus can cause serious illness among infants, the elderly and those who are immunocompromised, we all need to remain vigilant with hand washing and staying at home when unwell. Without testing, it is almost impossible initially to differentiate between the common cold and RSV. Thank you for being willing to cooperate with us in terms of keeping your unwell student at home – it does make a difference.

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From the Chaplain

New College representative for Synod

It has been great to talk to many of you at our recent student/parent/teacher interviews. I am also delighted to announce that Year 12 student Christian Higgins will join Freddie Sudell (Year 13) at the Anglican Diocesan Synod this year. Freddie has speaking and voting rights while Christian has speaking rights this year and will take up the voting rights next year. Congratulations to Christian on his appointment.

Chapel services

In weekday Chapel services, we are looking at the strategic themes of College’s Strategy 2025. We began the week with the International Languages Chapel Service for Round Square International Week. Thank you to all those who contributed to making the service such a success.

Years 9–11 classes

In Year 9, we have moved on to the Moses story after covering the sagas from Abraham to Joseph. These stories are foundational to our culture, and also great frames for exploring and discussing our own values.

In Year 10, we are exploring the philosophy of religion – making connections and discussing contradictions between religion and other dimensions of our life.

In Year 11, we are studying and assessing our understanding of The Reformation, a watershed moment in the history of our planet. Our school and our city would not be here without that event.

Anne Boleyn

I am looking forward to a controversial British psychological thriller miniseries, Anne Boleyn, coming to TVNZ. It will be fascinating for our Year 11 students. We will be able to reflect on colour-blind casting, identity consciousness and ‘othering’ by the Tudor court.

Centre for Ethics & Spirituality

Abuse – what is it and what to do about it

Mental health specialist and abuse survivor Jim Goodwin will have a conversation about abuse – what it is, who does it, and what to do about it – at College’s Centre for Ethics & Spirituality.

A College Old Boy, Jim has nearly 40 years’ experience in the mental health sector, supporting people who have been abused and working with those who abuse.

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Staff Chris Sellars

Chris Sellars
Careers Advisor

Upcoming careers dates

  • University halls of residence applications open
  • UC accommodation applications open
  • Lincoln University halls of residence open (first-in, first-served basis)
  • Common Confidential Reference Forms (CCRF) – apply now
3 AugustVictoria University course planning
12 AugustUniversity of Waikato Information Evening, The George Hotel, 5.30pm
15 AugustUC scholarship applications due
15 AugustUniversity halls – Common Confidential Reference Forms (CCRF)
18 AugustQueenstown Resort College Information Night, Rydges Latimer Square
19 AugustUniversity of Auckland course planning, Chapman Block, 8.15am
19 AugustAUT course planning, 10–10.45am
20 AugustVictoria University Open Day
20 AugustMassey University scholarships, accommodation, excellence, and sport close
21 AugustAUT Live
26 AugustUniversity of Otago course planning, 8.15am (not HSFY)
28 AugustUniversity of Auckland Open Day on campus
28 AugustAUT Open Day, Wellesley Street, Auckland
August/SeptemberUniversity liaison visits for course selection planning
1 SeptemberSchool-leaver scholarship applications due
1 SeptemberCommon Confidential Reference Forms (CCRF) due
9 SeptemberUC Open Day
9 SeptemberUniversity of Otago course planning, 8.15am (HSFY-only)
10 SeptemberVictoria University online enrolment open
15 SeptemberUC accommodation applications due
15 SeptemberUC Common Confidential Reference Forms (CCRF) due, Wellington
15 SeptemberUC course planning, 2.30–3.30pm
15 SeptemberVictoria University accommodation offers start
22 SeptemberUC accommodation applications close
1 OctoberVictoria University accommodation applications close
1 OctoberAUT accommodation opens (first-in, first-served basis)
1 OctoberAUT accommodation opens (first-in, first-served basis)
10 DecemberUC applications to enrol due
10 December

Victoria University applications due

Christ's College CareerWise

The Christ’s College careers website, CareerWise, is a rich source of information about all things related to careers. Check it out and sign up for weekly alerts here

UC Stay in Touch

Click here to ensure you have the latest key dates and important information.

School subject selection

When it comes to subject selection for next year, it is good to look ahead at the best subjects for Years 12–13 and university courses, click here. Check out the CareerWise website.

University scholarships for Year 13 students

MoneyHub, a consumer finance website, has published an extensive guide to hundreds of university scholarships. You can also check out the ultimate checklist for Year 13 students.

Curriculum Vitae

Discover how to prepare CVs and cover letters – flipbook


The New Zealand Common Confidential Reference Form (CCRF) is an online university accommodation reference form. Students should fill in the form at the same time as they apply to the halls of residence for their chosen university (or universities). They can register for accommodation at several universities on one form. Once boys have completed and submitted the form, Careers Advisor Chris Sellars will ask their Housemaster to complete the school’s section of the CCRF.

Applications for halls of residence open on 1 August and close on 22 September. Go to the student registration for the CCRF.

University of Auckland Open Day

On-campus Open Day, 28 August, 9am–3pm – parents and students can register now for updates in the lead-up to the Open Day.

Victoria University Open Day

On-campus Open Day, 20 August. If you are planning on attending, you may wish to register here and check out the timetable.

Queenstown Resort College Information Night

An informative evening for students, parents and teachers on 18 August at Rydges Latimer Square, 6.30–8pm. Find out more about the Hospitality Management and Adventure Tourism Management Diplomas that can lead to a degree at the University of Otago and ICMS, Australia. To find out more about QRC scholarships and internships, click here.


Programme closing dates:

Bachelor of Performing Arts (NASDA) – 27 August
Bachelor of Medical Imaging – 1 September
Bachelor of Midwifery – 1 September
Bachelor of Nursing – 30 September
Bachelor of Broadcasting Communications (NZBS) – 30 September
Bachelor of Musculoskeletal Health – 1 October
Certificate in Animal Management – 30 October
Certificate in Animal Technology – 30 October

Immerse & Inspire – Year 10 Careers

Year 10 students will be shown how to use a digital platform, MyMahi, designed to support their learning development, future pathways and personal wellbeing. On MyMahi, the boys can follow the newsfeed, and add to their profile: 1. reflections – character strengths, passions, weaknesses and ways they prefer to learn; 2. goals – about self, hauora (wellbeing) and academic; 3. investigate jobs by interest, 4. complete a pathway planner looking at various jobs, and 5. CV builder. Parents can look at MyMahi here and talk to their sons about the platform.

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From the Archives

Jane Teal

Black and White

Christ College’s black and white stripes were finalised because of an inability to supply cerise and grey jerseys for the 1st XV and 1st XI.

The story can be followed in the Games Committee Minutes.i The Games Committee was a group of boys – elected by their peers – with responsibility for not only the main College games of football, cricket, fives and athletics, but also the purchasing of books for the library. They wrote the rules of football and purchased sporting equipment and recommended sporting clothing colours.

White knickerbockers, with a blue cap and a flannel shirt – provided by the boys – were all that was required in 1862 to distinguish the 22 of football in their games with outside clubs.ii A year later, the 11 of football were obliged to wear a blue and white striped shirt “and that as many as possible provide themselves also with blue caps and white trousers”.iii In 1869, the only distinguishing colours recorded in the Games Committee minutes are the same blue caps with the addition of white lines, but this time they are for those in the cricket 1st XI. The football team caps were white with red lines.iv

There is no further mention of colours or clothing until the following appears in the Games Committee Minute Book.

Games Committee Minutes Black White

It appears, therefore, that on 9 April 1873, the Games Committee decided that black and white would be the uniform, in this instance, for the 1st XV. The sequence of dates in the Games Committee Minute Book indicates that this date is incorrect. In 1873, there were meetings on 4 April and 26 May. Whomever was writing up the minutes in 1874 thought they were still in 1873, and so the dates are 3 February 1874, then minutes dated 6 February, 4 March, 20 March, and the above 9 April in 1873, before reverting to 30 May 1874.

So, it was on 9 April 1874 that “it was resolved that Black & White be the uniform”.

That was not the end of the matter. On 7 February 1878 at a meeting in the 6th Form study, it was resolved to send to Melbourne for two dozen football jerseys and caps in the College colours of black and white stripes. A search in Trove found just one Melbourne firm, JE Ellis, advertising “real rugby football jerseys from 5/-”.v

A month later, the Games Committee minutes of 7 March 1878 provide no clue why it was decided to change the colours to cerise and grey for both football and cricket. On 11 March, this initial order for jerseys was expanded to include stockings (socks). It was also agreed that 12 of the jerseys would remain College

The minutes of 22 April 1878 resolve the issue once and for all. Herbert William Williams signed the minutes, which read “owing to Webbley having failed it was agreed to keep the old colours – black and white”. vii An extensive search failed to find a Melbourne firm with this name. viii

However, all this raises the question – who manufactured the jerseys and stockings in this well-known photograph of the 1878 football team? Did the Games Committee find a local manufacturer when Webbley failed? ix

Or is the team wearing clothing that was manufactured in the previous four years? An examination of the photograph – particularly in respect to the design of the jersey neck and sleeve cuffs – suggests that there may be more than a single manufacturer involved.

First XV 1878 copy

Left to right standing: John Charles Nattle Grigg (481), Harry Joseph Beswick (505), John William Townsend Boys (438), Herbert Brown (413), Arthur Truman Chapman (660), Herbert William Williams (547 captain), Collet Barker Dobson (708), Robert Luke Higgins (637), George Arthur Smith (465), Charles William Rattray (769), George Macpherson Cox (783), Hugh Tolmie (583). Seated: Henry Herbert Lee (517), Harry Robert Webster (807), Hugh Frederick Hewlings (796)

i Games Committee Minute Book, 1862–1907. Christ’s College Archives
ii Games Committee minute 7 May 1862
iii Games Committee minute 11 August 1863. This was followed up by an insistence by Henry Thornton Dudley, the Chairman of the Committee, that the XI wear the shirt that had been agreed to. Games Committee minute 28 August 1863
iv Games Committee minute 12 April 1869
v The Australasian 13 April 1878. JE Ellis was advertised as a tailor, shirtmaker, hosier, glover, hatter and outfitter. The rugby football jerseys were available in blues and all stripes.
vi Games Committee minutes 7 March and 11 March 1878
vii Games Committee minute 22 April 1878.
viii However, there is a New Zealand firm with a very similar name. Does the clue lie in a notice in the Nelson Evening Mail of 27 February 1878 which calls for creditors under The Debtors and Creditors’ Act 1876? Webley Bros of Nelson had indeed failed – it was bankrupt. Nelson Evening Mail 27 February 1878
ix A search of local newspapers in and around this time did not definitively find a local firm advertising football jerseys.
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Latest News & Events

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College connections in diversity

An International Languages Chapel Service and a multilingual karaoke have launched Round Square International Week at Christ’s College.

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Eco Action 1

Take action for the planet

Join Eco-Action at 28 Chimera Crescent, New Brighton this Sunday, 8 August from 10am–12pm as we populate the red zone with native plants.

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Basketball Alumni shoot to second win

College’s Basketball Alumni team has overpowered College A at the second clash of past and present players in the College Gymnasium.

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Int Term 2 Holidays 5

Snow, soak and pies

Swathed in extra layers and excited about action-packed days on the slopes, nine of College’s international students headed to Tekapo during the school holidays.

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Clay shooting 5

Charlie Burdon on target with SI title

Charlie Burdon has been named the Skeet High Over All Champion following a perfect score at the 2021 South Island Secondary Schools Clay Target Championships in Timaru.

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Upcoming Events

3, 4 & 11 AugustCommunity Visits – Nelson, Marlborough and Timaru


8 August

Hockey Fundraiser, 6pm


10 AugustCourse selection education evening for current Years 11–12 students


17 & 19 AugustReaction House Plays Festival, 6.30–9.30pm


4 September

Year 9 Father & Son Breakfast


7 SeptemberParent Education Evening – Promoting positive body image in boys


11 September Year 11 Mother & Son Breakfast


16 SeptemberCentre for Ethics & Spirituality – Abuse – what is it and what to do about it
26 AugustChristchurch Tuis


17 SeptemberWellington AGM and Long Lunch


24 SeptemberQueenstown, Wanaka and Arrowtown Long Lunch


1 October Auckland AGM and Long Lunch


9 October

Wairarapa AGM and Long Lunch

15 OctoberCCOBA Golf Tournament


20 October

Gentlemen's Lunch


65 Years On Reunion

75 Years On Reunion

CCOBA Board Appointment Advert
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