Giving Day
Thank you to our community for their support of our Annual Appeal, Giving Day 2021. It is truly amazing that we have reached $400,590, which will rest in the school’s Trust funds directly supporting diversity and hardship scholarships. These enable boys from families who would not otherwise be able to attend our school to do so. These boys bring gifts that, as a community, we would not normally receive and that is a true blessing. Our success also reflects our community’s growing appreciation of the significance of philanthropy – the giving of time, treasure and talent according to circumstance. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I want to acknowledge the school’s Advancement team, especially Shelley Keach, who led the planning of the day, and all our volunteers who supported us on the phone and helped mix the magic.
Covid-19 vaccinations at College
Over the past short period, College has been collecting data regarding vaccination status from staff and contractors, as per recent health orders. At present, the Board of Governors is formulating a policy that anticipates full vaccination as a condition of enrolment and entry (other than for those granted special government exemption) from the beginning of 2022. We will begin to collect student data for current students in Years 9–12 next week that will reflect our approach to proof of vaccination status.
Event changes
I want to thank the wider community for their general support of all the changes that this pandemic has forced College to make. Regretfully, we have had to cancel or postpone a range of events and we continue to seek to conclude the school year with our Year 13s at the forefront of our actions. It has been an interesting two years for these boys, who have been forced by circumstance to adapt in ways they may not have imagined. I am thankful for the patience and understanding shown by the boys and their parents. For the complete details, see end-of-year events.
Community feedback
This week, the school received parent feedback from across all year groups through the recently conducted MMG Survey. This data will be used by the school to reflect on programmes and consider ways to move forward. Elements will be shared with the community early next year. Currently, we are collecting matching data from our students. I ask that all parents prompt their boys to use this tool as a significant element of their student voice.
Think hard
With this being the final week for seniors prior to NZQA examinations, I want to wish all the boys well and ask them to think hard. There is no other real or more timely advice. The race is at its conclusion and it demands our best efforts, based on all the preparation throughout the year. I am confident our boys have been taught well and are as ready as they have prepared themselves to be. It is not a time to rely on luck. It is a time when application and dedication come to the fore.