Issue. 198 hero image

From the Executive Principal

Staff Garth Wynne

Garth Wynne
Executive Principal

MG 8711 1500x1000

This past weekend, New Zealand was abuzz with a Winter Olympics Gold Medal for Nico Porteous and an 11th finish in the same event for his brother, Miguel.

I met this family when the boys joined the school I was head of in Perth more than 10 years ago. In our first interview, Chris, the mother, dropped in ‘they're quite good skiers Garth and we will probably be returning to New Zealand during our winter holidays a bit and might take some extra time off’. They lasted in and out of Perth for five years before being fully absorbed in the programme back in New Zealand.

Throughout that journey, the overwhelming message from the boys and their parents was about humility and balance. Any success they experienced was always set against the joy of opportunity and the gratefulness they felt every day. There was an absolute expectation and understanding that things could change so always be respectful, aspirational and considerate in all things. The success of Nico and Miguel is a message to us all here at College about pursuing dreams and managing the journey with certainty and circumspection along the way.

Finding the right balance

We cannot escape the questions of balance between protest and politics in a healthy democracy as we live through ‘Occupy Wellington’, and, more locally, Cranmer Square. Like you, I am perplexed at some actions taken by individual members of our community and the authorities of that community. My message to the boys is clear … live and let live but always, at the front of mind, have the needs of others balanced against immediacy and cost to oneself. We all know conflict is complex but, at times, it can focus us on what we believe, what is right and the wisdom to know the difference.

Covid-19 update

  1. Boys and staff have been instructed to wear face masks at all times unless they are eating or drinking, and to follow distancing expectations when in conversation, in Houses or elsewhere.
  2. Remember, if your son is unwell with cold and flu symptoms (however mild), he must stay at home, get tested and not come to school. If you are contacted to collect your son, please do so as soon as possible.
  3. Should your son test positive for Covid-19, please contact us as soon as possible via
  4. If your son becomes a close contact outside the school environment, please let us know via the absentee line – 03 364 8677.
  5. If your son becomes a casual contact outside the school environment, he can still attend school. However, he must monitor for symptoms.
  6. If in doubt, please contact Healthline on 0800 358 5453 for further clarification prior to your son returning to school.

Connecting our new Year 9 families

When your son joins a new community like Christ’s College, you may wish to connect with other parents whose sons have also newly joined.

We support and encourage this and in conjunction with the Christ’s College Parents’ Association – and respectful of all legal advice as to privacy laws – we have developed a form to allow parents to opt in and share their details with other new parents. If you opt in by completing and submitting this form, Christ's College will collate your details into a shared document containing details of other new parents who have also opted in. Once collated, we will email the shared document to all new parents who have opted in.

The purpose of this shared document is to enable parents to connect with other parents in a positive and engaging manner in relation to Christ's College activities only.

By completing this form, you agree to respect everyone’s privacy and ensure mutual trust. In particular, you agree to:

  1. use the information in the shared document only for the above purpose; and
  2. not share any of the information in the shared document with any third party.

Uniform matters

As temperatures cool but the need for classroom ventilation remains, it is important that the boys keep warm. Please check out the photos below to see how the College hoodie can – or cannot – be worn. The hoodie is only to be worn with the College sports uniform. The College jersey – as seen below – can be bought from the Uniform Shop.

Enrolments for 2023 and beyond

We are very fortunate to have strong demand for College places – now and in the future. If you have a younger son who is not enrolled for 2023, can you please do so by filling in the online enrolment form. Siblings are given priority but they need to be enrolled. We are well under way with our interviews. Our Admissions Registrar, Sarah Fechney, will be in touch to organise a suitable time for interviews.

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Boarding Matters

Staff Ben Vink 8793 2222 SQ

Ben Vink
Deputy Principal – Student Care


Introducing year-level bubbles

In response to the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education guidelines, boys must now wear masks in their boarding Houses at all times, with the exception of their dorm rooms and one recreation room. Year-level bubbles have also been established within the Houses. By taking these measures, when one boy – for example, in Year 9 School House – tests positive, only the other boys in Year 9 School House will be deemed close contacts. The rest of the House will be able to function normally.

Important healthcare for boarders

A reminder that The Christchurch Doctors has temporarily taken over the healthcare of all boarders at College during building alterations at Doctors on Cashel. If you haven't done so, please complete and return the enrolment forms to The Christchurch Doctors as soon as possible. This will ensure that your son's medical notes are available and your son can be tested for Covid-19, should he need to see a GP. It is important that boarders are enrolled at The Christchurch Doctors so that any Covid-19 tests can be processed quickly.

Adjusting and adapting

Thank you for your positive response to last week’s correspondence on Covid-19. It was great to see so many families engaging with us to plan workable outcomes for their children.

As predicted, the Omicron strain has entered the Christchurch community and several schools. Our underlying philosophy is to keep the boarding Houses open so that the boys can continue to get the best opportunities within the classroom.

We will continue to be advised by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education. We are in close contact with our colleagues nationally and locally, who share their experiences of adjusting to life with Omicron within their communities. We have also reached out to British and Australian schools to gain an understanding of their experiences. It is inevitable that we will continue to adjust and adapt. Over the next few days, we will make adjustments as we navigate the narrowing of close contacts within a boarding House. The boarding leadership team has been considering ways to make this as painless as possible for the boys.

Friends of Boarding

Over the past few years, the Friends of Boarding group has played an important role in the relationship between Christ’s College, the boys and the parents. The parental group has been a positive advocate for the boarding community and provided an excellent sounding board as we continue to move College boarding forward.

Sarah Davidson (Ed Davidson, Year 12, Flower’s House) has led the group superbly. She is keen to again initiate a meeting this term to begin the 2022 year.

If you are interested in joining the group, can you let me know at and I will pass your details on to Sarah.

Fun times

Our Year 9 boarders have had a fun time in the city at the weekend, with a trip to indoor trampoline and ice rink arena MoveX, lunch out and games at Laser Strike.

IMG 8903 Move X
IMG 8890 Move X
IMG 8901 Move X

What's for dinner?

View the Dining Hall menu produced by the talented team at Spotless.

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Curriculum News

Staff Nicole Billante

Nicole Billante
Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning

Best scholarship results in recent years

What a wonderful couple of weeks it has been for many students in the academic domain.

On 10 February, New Zealand Scholarship results were released and our boys should be exceptionally proud of their accomplishments. This was the third best year on record for Christ’s College since Scholarship exams commenced, and certainly the best by far in recent years. Scholarship is the highest award a student can gain in New Zealand secondary education. It is designed to test and challenge critical thinking and abstract problem solving. For so many of our students to do so well is a testament to the hard work of the boys and their teachers in developing a deep understanding of their subjects.

In total, 53 scholarships were gained overall by 26 students (about one-fifth of the cohort). Further, this was across 16 subjects, showing the breadth of expertise. Seven boys received a Scholarship Award for students who have Scholarship in three or more subjects, and one Outstanding Scholar Award (based on six Scholarships, with one being ‘Outstanding’). While we are proud of our students every year for their accomplishments, this cohort should be particularly proud because the achievement has been so wide and varied. A full list of the Scholarship recipients can be seen below and their results found here.

NZQA Scholarship 2021 students IBW

Similarly, this Thursday at Assembly, we will be honouring the top academic students in Years 12–13. These boys have all achieved a phenomenal level of Excellence credits in either Level 1 or 2 NCEA. It is a highlight of the academic calendar to award these young men a Gold Badge, as well as Gold Ties for the top of the year group. We have 15 students being recognised at Year 12 (for Level 1) and a phenomenal 30 awards at Year 13 (for Level 2). This is on the back of strong NCEA endorsement rates. They are a testament to the hard work and perseverance our students have shown in yet another disjointed year and what can be achieved with the right focus.

This year will also have disruptions for many boys. However, we are confident when we look at the success of last year that we will be able to repeat that – despite the challenges.

On that note, we want to reassure boys and parents that we have the capabilities to support learning in a range of possible scenarios. Schoolbox will be our primary mode of facilitation and I will detail more about this platform in our next In Black & White.

Gold Badge awards

Year 11 (Currently Year 12s):

Matthew Brett
Edward Davidson
Thomas Douglas
James Drury
Thomas Foster
Angus Gifford
Joshua Hooker
Sean Jang
Luke Kim
Michael Li
Finn Melhuish
Lachie Short
William Sudell
Lewis Whiteside
Nicholas Wilson

Year 12 (Currently Year 13s):

Hunter Adam
Oliver Aikawa
Bruce Chen
Kevin Chiang
Charles Eglinton
Yusef Elnahas
Oscar Gosling
James Griffin
Richard Harnett
George Helmore
Christian Higgins
Luke James
Jasper Johnson
Oliver Jones
Henry King
William Law
William Morris
Jasper Moss
Henri Murison
William Olsson
Adam Raitt
George Ryan
Alexander Scott
Harry Sharr
George van Leeuwen
Bruno Vaughan
Harrison Vincent
Thimeth Wijesinghe
Scott Winefield
Jordan Yee

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Christ’s College Parents’ Association

Catherine Mc Clean

Catherine McClean
Christ's College Parents' Association (CCPA) Chairperson

Welcome from Parents’ Association

Welcome to the 2022 school year from the Christ’s College Parents’ Association (CCPA).

The role of the Parents’ Association is to welcome and engage with parents – in particular, those parents with no previous association with the school. A very special welcome to the new Year 9 families. Starting secondary school is a milestone in your son’s life (and a significant moment for the parents, too). As a parent with the last of our four children in Year 13, I would advise you to savour these years as they will go by in a flash. You have made a life-changing decision to send your sons to College. Education is said to be ‘the investment that pays the highest return’.

Enjoy your time as a parent and take up all the opportunities on offer. Come to school events, come and listen to the education/motivational speakers who College engages and hosts, and come to the Chapel services.

Connecting Year 9 parents

All Year 9 parents are invited to share your contact details with other Year 9 parents. This contact list will be invaluable over the next five years. It will connect you with other parents in your son’s year group, House and also the parents of his friends over the next five years, so don’t ignore the request to complete the Year 9 Parent Community Connection form.

The links with other parents will enrich your time here and offer support as you go through the next five years together. I liken it to the significant friendships forged in those antenatal classes or Plunket groups years ago.

The Parents’ Association organises a variety of events for the parent community throughout the year – providing refreshments on Athletics Day, hosting Year 9 parent drinks in February, Midwinter Drinks in July and the mothers’ Pink Lunch in October. Everyone’s welcome to join the committee and help run these events, which rely on the efforts of parent volunteers in conjunction with the school catering team.

We also sponsor the House Music Festival, which has enabled its return to the magnificent Christchurch Town Hall as a one-night event. It is a fabulous celebration of music, with all boys participating. If you only go to one event on the College calendar, I recommend that you don’t miss this one.

The Parents’ Association also supports the provision of SchoolTV, which is a valuable parent education resource available online to you all. It offers expertise on a variety of topics to help parents.

We would have hoped to have held the Year 9 parent function and our drinks for the Year 10 parents in conjunction with the Immerse & Inspire information evening on the eve of Athletics Day this week. We also had planned a new event for all parents to celebrate the summer term. Sadly, with the Covid-19 Red setting, we are unable to proceed with these events at this time. However, be assured that we will hold a social function for parents as soon as circumstances permit.

All College parents are members of the CCPA, with a levy from your school fees which enables us to support College with these events.

The Christ’s College Parents’ Association AGM will be held on Wednesday 16 March 2022 at 7.30pm via Zoom.

Everyone’s welcome.

Please fill in the accompanying form to attend – AGM sign-up form

Catherine McClean,
Chairperson, Christ’s College Parents’ Association

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Wellbeing & Positive Education

John Quinn IBW

John Quinn
Director of Wellbeing & Positive Education

Popcorn and understanding adolescence

SchoolTV offers excellent information and resources about understanding adolescence. For most of us, this is probably the most frustrating part of parenting, when children's actions do not align with how we think we have parented them or the values of the family.

Adolescence is a demanding time for our young men as they navigate many challenges. Compared with when we were young, there is more expectation, scrutiny and uncertainty to manage. We have to be aware – as their brain is still developing – that we, as parents, stay consistent and stable for them.

‘Brain under construction’ is a common term for the adolescent brain and one that we need to be aware of, as the more we understand, the more we can make sense of the teenager in front of us. Over the years, we have talked about forming trusting and strong relationships with your children so that you can have the discussions that they need.

At present, we know that life at school – and outside – is different for our young people and this is having an impact on their mental health, motivation, and focus. We cannot fast forward developing the brain but, as parents, we can help buffer young people as they work through this year and beyond. Having loving and caring relationships at home will allow your children to have the confidence to talk to you about things that may be worrying them and let them ask the questions that help make good choices.

Remember when parenting that children mature and develop at different speeds and there is no rush. Ensuring that we do not compare our own children with what other children are doing is important.

“Popcorn is prepared in the same pot, in the same heat, in the same oil and yet … the kernels do not pop at the same time. Don't compare yourself to others. Your time to pop is coming.”
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From the Chaplain

Staff Cameron Pickering 1608 SQ

The Reverend Canon Cameron Pickering

Gratitude – a show of Character Strength

Tēnā koutou katoa,
Peace to you all in the name of God.

On the stairs which lead the boys and I to the RE department each day, there are nine Character Strengths – the final step being Gratitude.

Claus Westermann, scholar of Hebrew and Greek, reflects: “The interrelationship of words for ‘to praise’ and ‘to thank’ is reflected by the fact that all the world’s languages develop special terms for ‘to thank’ only very late; the vocabulary of no early language has a special word for ‘to thank’ (the same circumstance accounts for the fact that small children must be taught to be thankful; they do not need to learn to praise or rejoice). A special word for thanksgiving arose only in the course of cultural development in relation to growing individuation.”

Christian community is one of interrelated praise. Whether you praise or thank – Gratitude requires expression. Gratitude, not so much a way of thinking then, is lived. To live gratefully is a strength we can evince in our interactions with one another and the world around us. Its measure can be seen in fruits – behaviour and actions.

We read in St Luke of Jesus who “rejoices in the Spirit” not internally but outwardly, the fruits of his ‘rejoicing’ are seen in his attention to others, and a life lived in praise of the Father.

Despite the challenges we now face, and the reality of lament as a legitimate response to much that assails us, I am convinced if one is constantly grumbling and complaining, something of the capacity to love as Christ loved is stripped away.

Living thankfully, with Gratitude, in praise calls us out of ourselves towards the other – God, and/or creation. When we find ourselves ‘under the pump’, we can still bear fruit, which Jesus himself exhibits, and modern well-being philosophies identify as a pathway to resilience.

Quite a deal resting on that top step – live gratefully.

In Christ,
Rev. Pickering

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Staff Chris Sellars

Chris Sellars
Careers Advisor

Upcoming careers dates

5 March

University of Canterbury, Year 13, Friday 1.05pm

7 MarchMassey University, liaison visit, 1pm, W102
4 AprilVictoria University of Wellington, Year 13, Monday 1.05pm
26–28 MayCareers Expo
29–30 May

Dunedin Tertiary Open Days

Christ's College CareerWise

The Christ’s College careers website, CareerWise, is a rich source of information about all things related to career information. Check it out and sign up for weekly alerts by subscribing here.

School subjects and career opportunities

Discover where your school subjects can take you. Careers NZ has put together posters featuring career opportunities. Boys can learn more about career options based on subjects they enjoy.

Career interviews

One-on-one career talks with Year 13 students are under way, starting with Condell’s House. I will work through all the Houses, seeing boys during study periods. If your son (in any year group) needs immediate help, please ask him to contact me. I will find a time as soon as possible and will follow-up with you by phone. Year 12 interviews will start in Term 2, and Year 11 interviews in Term 3.

University scholarships for Year 13 students

MoneyHub, a consumer finance website, has published a guide to scholarships for students planning to start university in 2023. The list includes scholarships offered by every university, as well as those specifically available to local students. Applications close throughout the year. MoneyHub has also published tips for scholarship success. For more details, visit the MoneyHub Scholarship page.

Ara liaison visit

A planned presentation to Year 13 students by Ara Institute of Technology could not be held last Friday because of the Covd-19 situation. While boys may know about the Ara trade courses, they may not be fully aware of the diplomas and degrees on offer. In the past, for example, students have completed a two-year Diploma in Engineering Technologies before completing the University of Canterbury Bachelor of Engineering. Ara can be a better fit for students as they climb towards their final goal. Any boys interested in Ara can contact me.

Lincoln University liaison visit

Lincoln University has delivered a presentation to Year 13 students, covering work in the primary industries, degrees and diplomas. Qualifications from other tertiary providers can also lead to jobs in the primary industries. With the world population increasing, the need for land and food production was emphasised. The presentation also covered primary industry jobs and salaries.

Otago Tertiary Open Day

I will take up to 18 boys to Dunedin for the University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic Open Days on Sunday and Monday, 29–30 May. It is an opportunity for the boys to see Dunedin, attend lectures or information sessions and look at accommodation options. This is a school trip. Boys cannot drive their own vehicles with other students, but parents can travel to Dunedin with their son, independently, if they choose. The boys will be given booklets to help plan their day. They must express their interest in the trip to me now.

Lincoln University – new major

Bachelor of Science – Brewing and Fermentation Major
The brewing and fermentation industries hold key positions in the food sector, producing a range of high-quality goods. The Major in Brewing and Fermentation – with core science fundamentals – equips students with the knowledge and skills to design, produce and analyse a range of fermented products, such as beer, cider, kombucha, yoghurt, and cheese, and develop new products to meet consumer demands. You can read more on the Lincoln University website.

University of Canterbury – Diploma in Health Sciences

The University of Canterbury is offering a new Diploma in Health Sciences (120 points) and Certificate in Health Sciences (60 points) in 2022. The qualifications are FREE to domestic students as they are covered by the Government’s Targeted Training Apprenticeship Fund. These add health promotion knowledge, and offer a pathway to the Bachelor of Health Sciences. Courses can be studied online or on campus. Find out more on the University of Canterbury website.

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From the Archives

Jane Teal

Did your ancestors have nicknames in 1878?

This photograph of the members of Worthy’s House in 1878 needs some help with identification and it all hinges on whether you know your ancestor’s nickname?

Based on the 1850–1950 School List, there were 26 boys in Worthy’s House, and there are 24 in the photograph. However, there are two boys in the photograph, who have been identified from other sources, who left in 1877. So, if because of family information, you suspect your ancestor is in the photograph, do not be confused by the date.

Archives _ Worthys 1878

The following boys were in Worthy’s House in 1878 and suggested nicknames are, in part, based on the photographs of the 1878 1st XI and 1st XV.

George Fletcher Bridge (424); John Charles Nattle Grigg (481 – Cow?); Harry Joseph Beswick (505 – Bambie?); John Dyke Acland (515 – Johnny D?); Richard Patrick Clogstoun (575 – Dick?); Henry John Inwood Bilton (642); Freeman Potts (668); Godfrey Charles Borton (686 – Godfrey B?); George Edward Rhodes (791); John Crammond (800); Edward Channon Studholme (826); Francis Herbert Polhill (829).

And the brothers:

George Hampton Rhodes (476) and Ernest Timaru Rhodes (603); Reginald Chetham Strode (530) and Cecil Warren Chetham Strode (654); Arthur Spry Gwavas Carlyon (572) and Edward Fitzherbert Gwavas Carlyon (573); Wilfred Hall (649) and John Dryden Hall (650); Francis Wallace Mackenzie (705 – Big Mac?) and John Robert Mackenzie (706 – Little Mac?); Marmaduke John Dixon (714); and Richard Orme Dixon (715); James Ernest Maitland (739) and Gordon Maitland (774).

Ben is Benjamin Michael Moorhouse (446) and Gerald is FitzGerald George Westenra (404). Both these boys are clearly identifiable in the 1877 1st XV photograph and left in that year.

Please let the Archivist know by email if you can identify any of these boys.

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Latest News & Events

NZQA Scholarship 2021 students

College excels in Scholarship exams

Twenty-six College boys have received a total of 53 NZQA Scholarships across 16 different subjects – a record success for recent times.

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Assembly Term1 Week2 9

Duke of Edinburgh awards presented

The latest round of Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver awards were presented at yesterday’s virtual College assembly, seven boys receiving their Bronze award and two receiving Silver.

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Science story

College shoots for space to save world

College scientists Tim Wang (leader), Bruce Chen, Yusef Elnahas, and Thimeth Wijesinghe will vie for the $10,000 grand prize as finalists in this year’s Space for Planet Earth Challenge.

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Tennis Canterbury SS Competition 2

College serves it up at tennis

The 2022 tennis season is off to a strong start with College assembling a competitive squad for the annual Canterbury Secondary Schools’ Tennis Championships held this week at Wilding Park.

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Christ's College Old Boys' Association

Lizzie Dyer The Quad

Lizzie Dyer
Alumni Manager

New CCOBA President elected

Angus Dysart-Paul (14434) has been elected the Christ’s College Old Boys’ Association President. Angus is the youngest Old Boy to hold the position.

Angus is a graduate of the University of Canterbury’s Law School and was elected on Friday at the first CCOBA AGM held via Zoom.

Our CCOBA Committee Members are: President – Angus Dysart-Paul; Vice-President – Andrew (Blue) Henderson (9710); Treasurer – Mac Bolderston (13962); Committee – Richard Polson (11785), Nigel Taylor (7235), Mike Fisher (11571), Jono Blyth (12002) and Tim Daley (13242), along with Board representatives Mark Cox (10101) and Tim Kerr (10296).

Our thanks go to our wonderful outgoing President, Richard Polson, for all his hard work and commitment to the Association over the past two years. He has steered the CCOBA into an outstanding position, leaving the Association in great heart.

Angus Dysart Paul
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Weddings at Christ’s College

Staff Gill Blackler 6470 SQ

Gill Blackler
Events Manager

P65945 Weddings Launch Website 1500x1000 FA BW Quad

Looking for a unique venue for your special day? Celebrate amongst some of Christchurch’s most extraordinary architecture. The stunning Chapel is available for ceremonies, and you can have your pick of two reception areas – the impressive, historic Dining Hall or the award-winning Chapman Room. Choose from a range of delicious menus and beverage packages. Plus, we have a designated Wedding Co-ordinator – Kim Chan Events. Kim and her team will look after your wedding and styling requirements, including all your floral needs, for your special day.

Learn more on our website

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Community Business Directory

Staff Shelley Keach 6322 edited

Shelley Keach
Senior Development Manager

Community Business Directory IBW banner narrow

We want to support our families and their businesses by encouraging our whole community to 'think local' when they make a purchase, are looking for hospitality or need a service or supplier.

We hope we can help make a difference to your business.

To add your business to the directory, please fill in this form. You can view the Community Business Directory on our website.

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