The unique nature of the College experience cannot be taken for granted and must be nurtured by all who gain benefit from being involved.
A key factor within this relationship is trust. With this understanding, honesty and respect become keys to how we act and behave. If trust breaks down, then the learning experience is compromised and we question the value of the core relationship. It is this ongoing balance of expectation and understanding that impacts on me at various times as we help boys through the journey of adolescence and the same reality, of course, sits within the challenge of parenting.
The alignment between College and parental values/virtues and expectations, too, cannot be taken for granted as dissonance leads to confusion and conflict at times. Then, in this triangle of influence, there is the boy himself who needs to look ahead and make good decisions based on what will bring him to his best in the moment and into the future.
We are fortunate that all we do at College is supported by the simplest expectations and, that is, we communicate between each other with openness based on three core elements of trust, honesty and respect. It is worth a reminder that understandings of how we will live and work alongside each other set our culture and enable us to face our life with security and confidence.