Issue. 198 hero image

From the Executive Principal

Staff Garth Wynne

Garth Wynne
Executive Principal

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I have been reminded on several occasions over the past few weeks of our need to be hospitable as a disposition – to be welcoming, curious, and interested in all you meet, whether they be a friend or stranger.

Yesterday, I met a staff member at the beginning of the day who was buoyant and happy. We shared pleasantries, then reflected on how it was important to engage with others in a spirit of reciprocity. Later, I met dear friends of a previous Headmaster, Rob Zordan, who had travelled from Perth and randomly dropped in to College’s reception. They were hoping to have a photograph with Rob, so I showed them his portrait in the Dining Hall and the deed was done. We enjoyed reminiscing about Perth and sharing stories of our mutual friendship with Rob.

We must all be mindful that we don’t know what’s going on in the lives of those we pass and, more than anything else, no matter where they may be, a smile and greeting is much the better engagement than to look away or at the pavement with detachment. We reap what we sow. Therefore, if we want our day to be filled with enthusiasm, logically we should be enthusiastic. If we want our day to be joyful, then we must reflect just that. This references, of course, our inner state of mind and how we choose to present ourselves to the world – something that we completely control. We encourage each other here at College to greet and acknowledge each other with interest, putting in mind the needs of the other rather than oneself. I sense that as the weather has overwhelmed us in recent days, and we still face the cloud of Covid-19, then disposition and hospitality are all the more important. It is good to remember when we help others, we help ourselves.

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Curriculum News

Staff Nicole Billante

Nicole Billante
Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning

On course to choose the best options

When we’ve only just started Term 3 it is hard to imagine, but it is time to start thinking about courses for next year. We have two important evenings coming up for parents and students. These are designed to help with the options selection process.

Course Selection Education Evening for Years 9–10 students and parents – register here

On Monday 8 August, we have the Course Selection Education Evening, designed for current Years 9–10 students and their parents. This focuses on explaining the course selection process for the Christ’s College Diploma. A key underpinning of the Diploma is giving boys agency through choice – but this means there is a lot to choose from. The evening will introduce and explain the choices, including the requirements for those entering the second year of the Diploma. Staff from every department will be present to give you the opportunity to ask questions about the different courses or pathways.

Course Selection Education Evening for Years 11–12 students and parents – register here

The following week is dedicated to NCEA. On Monday 15 August, we will review NCEA requirements again for Years 11–12 students – along with parents – followed by the opportunity to speak with staff from each department. We will also have representatives from the three local tertiary institutions available to answer questions. This is a great opportunity to touch base with the tertiary providers about what NCEA courses boys may need while students and parents are also able to speak to the teachers of those courses.

We look forward to seeing parents and students at both evenings in the Assembly Hall, and remind everyone that mask-wearing is mandatory.

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Boarding Matters

Staff Ben Vink 8793 2222 SQ

Ben Vink
Deputy Principal – Student Care

Teacher-only Day

A Canterbury-wide, Teacher-only Day will be held on Monday 22 August. While College Boarding will remain open, boys can apply for the longer weekend and arrive back in their Houses by 8pm on Monday.

Staff changes

We have had several staff changes as a result of promotion and residential tutors heading overseas. Zac Knight has taken on the role of Deputy Boarding Housemaster in Richards, moving from his position as residential tutor in Flower’s House. Zac’s calm demeanour, along with his quick wit, will be enjoyed by the Richards boys.

My thanks to Scott Franklin, who leaves Boarding after eight years in Richards House, including the past five years as the Deputy Boarding Housemaster. We appreciate his contribution to Richards and the wider Boarding experience.

Welcome to Kirsty Black, who begins in the new role of Overnight Nurse. Her arrival completes the change in the Matron model introduced in Richards this year. Kirsty, a registered nurse, will respond to any ailments throughout the night. Her kind and caring disposition will be a great addition to our community, and she will live in one of the College residences. Kirsty already has plenty of experience of Boarding, having lived on-site previously with her husband, Toby. He was a residential tutor in Jacobs and then Flower’s House.

Welcome also to Benn McBrearty as a residential tutor in Flower’s House. Benn has been working at Christ’s College as a relief teacher, and helps out with the Rugby programme. Meanwhile, Nick Karton moves from a non-residential tutor role in Richards House to a residential tutor in School House. And welcome back to Nick Sutcliffe, who returns to a residential Boarding role in Flower’s House, replacing Kale Thatcher.

House Plays – Boarding

Please note Thursday 18 August in your calendars for an evening of House Plays. We will meet for drinks and nibbles at 5.30pm in the Dining Hall. It is a wonderful chance to catch up with the wider Boarding community. To join us in the Dining Hall prior to the plays, please register here for the Combined Boarding Houses Parents' Function.

Fun times

Our boys have enjoyed a day out at MoveX – an indoor trampoline arena. Check out the photos.

Move X 1
Move X 2

What's for dinner?

View the Dining Hall menu produced by the talented team at Spotless.

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Wellbeing Education

Staff Caroline Black 6072 SQ

Caroline Black
Director of Wellbeing Education

Sextortion – staying safe online

You may not be familiar with the term, but ‘sextortion' is a form of blackmail where someone threatens to share intimate images of you unless you give in to their demands.

It has been an issue for more than a decade, with many adults falling victim to this type of online crime. More recently, it has been reported that there has been a higher rate of adolescent males falling victim to this type of crime.

Since early 2022, in Australia alone, there has been a 400% increase in sextortion being reported to police and these figures are being replicated in most Western countries. Having an understanding of how your son can fall victim to such an offender may help to protect him from engaging, or conceding to their demands. It is vitally important for parents and whānau to be aware of this issue and to start having an age-appropriate conversation as early as possible.

This special report from School TV explains how young people can fall victim to such a crime and what action to take to support them. Take a moment to reflect on the information, and talk with your son about the importance of keeping himself safe online. The information presented in this School TV report is intended to raise awareness and not alarm parents and whānau of this potential issue. If you have any questions, please contact our Centre for Wellbeing.

Further information and resources can be accessed via the following websites:

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Health Centre

Nicky Taylor IBW

Nicky Taylor
Health Centre Nurse

Rachel Trengrove IBW

Rachel Trengrove
Health Centre Nurse

Steps to limit spread of illness

Welcome back to Term 3. Thank you all for your continued support of our mask-wearing requirements. Masks remain one of the most important tools to prevent the transmission of air-borne illnesses.

Please continue to report any Covid-19 cases on both the tracer app and through the College Absence Notification Form.

We ask that you keep your son at home if he is unwell or showing symptoms of any illness.

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From the Chaplain

Staff Cameron Pickering 1608 SQ

The Reverend Canon Cameron Pickering

Much in common at Chapel

Tēnā koutou katoa,
Peace to you all in the name of God.

After the concessions of Terms 1–2, and indeed much of 2021, it will be a gift to be back in Chapel as a whole College community on a more regular basis this term. A reflection I have heard more than once from our students and staff is that Chapel at College is one of the things we do together.

In this way, a return to regular full school chapels echoes a long-held Anglican outlook that when we pray, sing, worship, listen, and question, we do so in COMMON. We need not expect the experience of every individual to be identical. What matters is that we experience what we do side by side. To this end, the invitation remains open to any members of our wider College community, parents and caregivers, Old Boys, and friends of College to join us in our common worship as shown in the College Calendar.

Chapel Notices

From this week until the end of the academic year, we will collect tinned, non-perishable food at the Chapel for donation to the Anglican City Mission for Christmas (only 145 days away). Students, staff, and friends can bring their donations to the Chapel at any time of the school day, or on Sundays, and we will build our Christmas tree of cans in the sanctuary.

On Thursday 4 August, the Centre for Ethics & Spirituality will host its first lecture and Q&A of the year on The Climate Emergency. Please register here to join us.

The Farewell Service of Thanksgiving for Rev Bosco Peters – the College Chaplain for 23 years – will be held in the College Chapel on Sunday 18 September. Invited guests will receive their invitations shortly.

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Cameron Pickering

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Latest News & Events

Skydiving fundraiser

Leap of faith to raise cancer awareness

College students Spencer Smith and Finlay Broomhall are jumping into the unknown in support of the Prostate Cancer Foundation.

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Ollie Gormack Medal Success

Ollie Gormack vaults to national title

Year 11 student Ollie Gormack has been crowned U16 National Champion at the New Zealand Artistic Gymnastic Championships in Invercargill.

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SOFIA tour 22 1

College boys board flying SOFIA observatory

Six College boys and Physics teacher Dr Andrew Taylor – via a special invitation – have been given a tour of NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), an engineering marvel and fusion of innovation, aviation, and scientific exploration.

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Jack Hansen Ratter

Jack Hansen-Ratter takes top tennis spot

Currently ranked No. 1 at age-group level in New Zealand, rising young tennis star Jack Hansen-Ratter has featured in three tournaments in July.

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Assembly t3w1 Anthony Seldon 7

Sir Anthony Seldon – a long journey to peace

Leading British contemporary historian, educationalist, and commentator Sir Anthony Seldon has shared his remarkable 1000km pilgrimage along the Western Front Way with College, reflecting at Assembly on his 40-day walk honouring those lost in World War I.

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Soluwrist group 1

Soluwrist ‘wallet’ investment pays off

A sustainable wrist ‘wallet’ that protects your credit and debit cards is under development by a trio of Year 13 Business Studies students.

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Model EU 22 6 2

Model students on European stage at UC

Year 12 student Sam Cross has been chosen as the Best Delegate Award runner-up at at the recent Christchurch Model EU.

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2022 NI SS Champs Skeet Shield 2

Henry Lassen on North Island title target

Henry Lassen has been named 2022 High Overall Skeet Champion at the North Island Secondary Schools Clay Target Shooting Championships.

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Hanson Xie

Hanson Xie wins spot at top university

Old Boy Hanson Xie (15536) has won a place at the National University of Singapore (NUS), majoring in Electrical Engineering.

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Dining Hall Interior

Stunning College Dining Hall endures

College’s Dining Hall has been recognised with a 2022 Canterbury Architecture Award for Enduring Architecture.

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Secondary Schools choir Choir of the World

College duo on song for Choir of the World

The New Zealand Secondary Students’ Choir – featuring Deputy Head Prefect Ollie Jones and Old Boy Jake Cutler – has been named Children’s Choir of the World 2022 at the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod in Wales.

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Cycling SISRC 22 7 Ben Crawford

Ben Crawford puts pedal to metal for medals

Year 11 cyclist Ben Crawford has raced to gold, silver and bronze at the South Island School Road Championships at Ruapuna Motorsport Park.

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Upcoming Events


Wednesday 3 August, 6pm

Auckland Community Visit, The Northern Club.
Thursday 4 August, 6pm

CCOBA – Auckland Young Old Boys (YOBs) Gathering.
Book now.

Thursday 4 August, 7pm

Centre for Ethics & Spirituality – The Climate Emergency presented by David Newton.
Book now

Monday 8 August, 7pmCourse Selection Education Evening for Years 9–10 students and parents.

Book now.

Wednesday 10 August, 6pmHawke’s Bay Community Visit, Giant Brewing.

Book now.

Thursday 18 August, 5.30pmCombined Boarding Houses Parents' Function.

Book now.

Monday 15 August, 7pmCourse Selection Education Evening for Years 11–12 students and parents.

Book now.

Tuesday 16 & Thursday 18 August, 6.30–9pmREACTION House Plays Festival, Assembly Hall.

No registration required, everyone's welcome.

Thursday 18 August, 6pmWellington Community Visit combined with CCOBA Young Old Boys (YOBs) Gathering.

Book now.

Saturday 20 August, 6–11.40pm

College Hoops Big Night Out at the Commodore Hotel.
Fundraising for tiered retractable seating in the Upper West sports centre. Ticket price includes welcome drink, three-course dinner with wine, guest speaker, fundraising auction, and plenty of dancing. Cash bar available. Semi-formal attire.

Sold out.

Thursday 1 September, 6pmCCOBA Melbourne Event.

Book now.

Saturday 10 September, 8.15–9.30amYear 9 Father & Son Breakfast, Dining Hall – NEW DATE.

Book now.

Friday 30 September, middayCCOBA Golf Tournament.

Book now.

Wednesday 19 October, 10amCCOBA 65, 66, 75 & 76 Years On Reunion and Gentlemen's Lunch.

Book now – 65 & 66 Years On; 75 & 76 Years On; Gentlemen's Lunch

Thursday 27 October, 10.30–11.30amBoarding Mothers' Morning Tea.

Book now.

Monday 31 October, 5pmNelson Community Visit, The Boathouse.

Book now.

Tuesday 1 November, 6pmBlenheim Community Visit, Raupo Cafe.

Book now.

Monday 7 November, 6pmAshburton Community Visit, Somerset Grocer.

Book now.

Tuesday 15 November, 6pmWanaka Community Visit, Bistro Gentil.

Book now.

Tuesday 10 January, 6pmLondon Community Visit, The Gherkin.

Book now.


Thursday 27 October, 12–2pm

Parents’ Association Pink Lunch

Friday 28 October, 4–5.30pm

Years 12–13 Prize-giving
Friday 28 October, 6pmLeavers’ Chapel Service
Saturday 29 October, 7.30–10.30pmYear 11 Semi-Formal
Thursday 1 December, 4–5.30pmYears 9–11 Prize-giving
Thursday 1 December, 6pmCarols on the Quad
Friday 18 November, 12pmCCOBA Christchurch Long Lunch, The Christchurch Club
Friday 17 – Sunday 19 February 2023CCOBA Reunion Weekend
Christ’s College
Sunday 26 February 2023, 10amCCOBA Joe Studholme Car Rally

Christ’s College

Saturday 4 March 2023CCOBA Yacht Race


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Staff Chris Sellars

Chris Sellars
Careers Advisor

Upcoming careers dates

AugustUniversity Scholarships still open for all universities
11 AugustUniversity of Otago, course planning, 8.30am, Miles Warren building
15 AugustUniversity Scholarship applications close
17 AugustWaikato University Virtual Open Day
18 AugustVictoria University of Wellintgon, course planning, 8.30am
18 AugustUniversity of Otago, course planning, 8.30am, W102
23 AugustUniversity of Auckland, Novotel, Cathedral Square, 6.30-8.00pm
25 AugustLincoln University, course planning, 8.30am
26 AugustMassey University Open Day, Wellington
27 AugustUniversity of Auckland Open Day
27 AugustAUT (Auckland University of Technology) Open Day
1 SeptemberUC course planning, 8.30am, Miles Warren Building
1 SeptemberVictoria University of Wellintgon, closing date for Scholarships
9 SeptemberUC Open Day
15 SeptemberAccommodation applications due

Christ's College CareerWise – new format

All Years 12–13 boys should subscribe to the College CareerWise site. Regular posts are put up for News and Events. Click here to subscribe. Hopefully, parents are subscribing to this as well.

Finding purpose – advice for today’s school leavers

Generation Z (born between 1995–2009) will live longer than previous generations, so ensuring that these young people find meaning and purpose in their roles is integral to future-proofing careers and work life.

Discovering your career passion is a worthy endeavour. While not every job is going to fill us with excitement every day, people need to be clear on the impact of their work on what matters in life. If all you do is find a job that has security and pays well, or lines up with what the careers advisor suggests, it is unlikely you will stick with it.

However, if your work passion complements a career you can be well-trained in and paid for, then you have lined up three vital things. Passion, contribution, motivation, and where you want to make a difference are key aspects of the equation.

Getting started and finding momentum is also important. Think about what you are passionate about and keep edging towards that aim. You can then start to carve out a career that enables you to contribute for a long period. That consistent service and contribution in one direction are what build a lifetime of change and impact.

School subject selection – Term 3

Boys choosing their 2023 subjects this term can check out these best preparation links to aid their decisions regarding university and polytechnic study. Recently, Ara has been added to the list.

University of Canterbury – Best prep
Lincoln University – Best prep
University of Otago – Best prep
University of Victoria of Wellington – Best prep
University of Auckland – Best prep
Massey University – Best prep
University of Waikato – Best prep
Ara – Best prep

CCRF – Term 3

The New Zealand Common Confidential Reference Form (CCRF) is an online university accommodation reference form. Students need to fill in the form at the same time as they apply to the halls of residence for their chosen university (or universities). They can register for accommodation at several universities on the one form. Applications for halls of residence open on 1 August and close on 15 September. Go to the student registration for the CCRF.

Exam preparation

Check out the NCEA resources to help attain the best grades and prepare for upcoming internals and externals – resources for NCEA.

University scholarships for Year 13 students

Boys can start researching the different scholarships available. Most scholarship applications close about 1 September. MoneyHub, a consumer finance website, has published an extensive guide to university scholarships.

University of Auckland – Engineering Information Evenings

For those unable to join the recent Engineering Information Evenings online, they have been recorded.

Fast-track offers

The University of Auckland now makes fast-track offers to students. To assist you, check out the frequently asked questions at AskAuckland.

University of Auckland Open Day – buses

On Saturday 27 August, buses will be running in Auckland – from surrounding regions and for those travelling from the airport – for students travelling to Mānawa Mai | Open Day. Students can register for Mānawa Mai | Information Evening and Open Day. Details will be sent to you regarding registering for airport, regional, or Auckland buses.

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    From the Archives

    Jane Teal

    The street frontage

    At different times during College’s history, the view from the street has varied.

    If you were wandering along the thoroughfare between the post and rail fence – known at that time as Antigua Street – this is what you would have seen in 1869.

    By 1877, the Chaplain’s house had joined the Synod Hall and Library (1873) and the enclosure of the Quad had begun.

    Further towards Armagh Street, another building arrived in 1882. This was for the Principal of the Upper Department. There are no early photographs in the College collection of this building. This photograph was taken well into the next century, after Antigua Street had become Rolleston Avenue on 11 January 1904.

    The next view from the street involved a traction engine and demolition.

    First, the Chaplain’s house was rolled to a position just inside the gates.

    This left the street frontage open again.

    This was followed by the demolition of the Synod Hall and library, except for the front door. It has become the lych gate to the Botanic Gardens.

    The Dining Hall rose in the space.

    Ultimately, the recycled Chaplain’s house also disappeared, to be replaced by the Assembly Hall.

    The Principal’s house was replaced by a building initially known as the Administration Block, but it, too, was recycled into the Music School.

    Finally, the Administration Block was added to the end of the Dining Hall.

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