Issue. 198 hero image

From the Executive Principal

Staff Garth Wynne

Garth Wynne
Executive Principal

P71058 In Black White Advert FA 1

Last week, it was a pleasure to hand over prizes and awards to your Years 12–13 students. It is a time when we celebrate just how high the tide has floated as a result of the collective efforts of our boys.

We always take the opportunity at these events to remind everyone that although prize winners are lauded, their success is on the shoulders of their family and friends and the culture of their school. The day also underlines that the journey towards graduation and the level of all-round achievement at that point falls fundamentally on each boy.

In my speech, I have highlighted the truth that at any point in time, we find ourselves the sum of our choices, and for young men ending school that can be both affirming and an informing truth as they take this pivotal step towards adulthood.

As the school looks ahead, the next few weeks are busy and active for boys in Years 9–11. The conclusion of academic programmes combined with opportunities for outdoor education, community service, and career considerations make for an interesting end to the year.

Strategic themes

College looks forward with our strategic themes of Motivation, Connection, Philanthropy and Sustainability becoming more overt given that, like the wider community, we hope to be able to plan more effectively rather than guess what may be the next pandemic-related challenge. It is encouraging to do so in an environment where there is strong demand as evidenced at our Information Evening last week, attended by more than 400 parents and students.

Giving Day – help us grow future champions

Our annual Giving Day will be held on Thursday 24 November.

Giving Day is back again as this year’s Annual Appeal. With the development of our new, multi-purpose sports centre, Upper West, now is the time to restore and enhance Upper. Giving Day will set up the sporting success of generations to come with a world-class turf to train and play on all year round. All donations made on Giving Day will be tripled thanks to contributions already pledged by matching donors.

We hope you choose to support Giving Day and College students, now and tomorrow. Further information will be shared with you over the coming weeks.

How to leave your mark on Upper

We are offering a very limited number of named plaques to be installed on the exterior of Upper West. The plaque will feature your family name and initials of your choosing. You may want to make an individual contribution or a family one.

In acknowledgement of your commitment, you will be recognised as a matching donor on Giving Day. Click here to find out more. If you want to discuss this opportunity further, contact Shelley Keach on 03 364 6818 or email

How can you help on Giving Day?

We are seeking volunteers to help on the day. If you wish to be involved, please click here. If you have any queries, contact Shelley Keach on 03 364 6818 or email

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Boarding Matters

Staff Ben Vink 8793 2222 SQ

Ben Vink
Deputy Principal – Student Care

Staying safe

As you might be aware, the New Zealand Herald recently ran an article that featured one of our boarding students who endured an attack in August in Riccarton. It was during the ‘mock’ examination period, so the student was legitimately on leave. The incident emphasised the random nature of these attacks.

As a consequence, we have asked that boys not go to Westfield Riccarton unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. We have also told the boys that when on town leave, they need to be accompanied by more than one person. The boys can still visit South City, Carlton Corner, Merivale, and Riverside. It would be great if parents and caregivers could also emphasise the necessity of these preventive actions during this spate of youth crime.

Immerse & Inspire

Last Friday, we completed the final residential day of Immerse & Inspire, our Year 10 programme. At the start of the year, we were worried that this experience for the boys would be diluted because of the impact of Covid-19 and Omicron. However, all four groups completed the entire programme. This year, we have added components that marry with the College Diploma and enable most boys to fulfil these experiences while in residence.

I want to thank Liam O’Leary, who has done a great job in his first year managing this programme. I also want to thank our departing tutor, George Blake, who has been incredibly generous and enthusiastic with his time and energy.

Check out the images from our Immerse & Inspire programme below.

11 2022 01 immerse inspire
11 2022 02 immerse inspire
11 2022 03 immerse inspire
11 2022 04 immerse inspire
11 2022 05 immerse inspire
11 2022 06 immerse inspire
11 2022 07 immerse inspire
11 2022 08 immerse inspire

What's for dinner?

View the Dining Hall menu produced by the talented team at Spotless.

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Curriculum News

Staff Nicole Billante

Nicole Billante
Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning

A matter of staying the achievement course

In the last In Black & White, I was speaking to the seniors and their parents. In this one, my words are aimed at Years 9–11. Sometimes, when the farewell festivities for the older years abound, it can start to feel like the year has ended. However, this is definitely not the case. There are still two weeks left in the classroom and a lot of learning and final work are completed in this time. It is important that the boys show that they value their learning and give these final weeks their all.

Year 11s have their prep exams in Week 5. As previously communicated, their schedule is on Schoolbox and there are no classes over the four days of exams to allow them to focus on the task at hand. They are still expected to be in uniform and well-presented for their exams. This is the opportunity to experience the expectations of exam performance as a culmination of their Diploma programme this year.

Years 9–10 boys will also have some final assessments in various subjects. Of course, learning progressions (our reporting system) are completed based on a holistic view of skills and knowledge and we have been working hard with students to understand that everything matters for these. However, major assessment pieces play a significant role in a teacher’s judgement of the progress a student has made. We want boys to see that all learning matters but also understand the reality that assessments are keystones in the learning cycle – just as day-to-day performance on a job contributes to one’s performance appraisal, but delivering on major projects is also a component on its own.

I am sure that all the boys in the year groups will approach the next couple of weeks with diligence and verve in order to end the academic year on a high.

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IBW Carols on the Quad

Wellbeing Education

Staff Caroline Black 6072 SQ

Caroline Black
Director of Wellbeing Education

A good night’s sleep for teens

With the Years 12–13 students on study leave, I naively thought sleep-related conversations might not be as prominent in MINDfit classes. However, my Years 10–11 MINDfit classes have all recorded irregular sleep patterns over the past few weeks and a large proportion of boys have felt more tired in class as the term has progressed. So why is this happening? The blustery nor’westers and muggy, hot nights have definitely affected sleep recently. Upcoming assessments and prep exams have increased stress levels and the summer holidays are so close that taking the time to be in the moment has slipped from focus. However, there is more to it than just external factors.

From a biological perspective, changes in sleep patterns in teens are natural. You may notice that your sons are finding it harder to get to sleep at their regular times and this, in part, is a biological response to the physical changes being experienced through adolescence. There is a natural shift in their circadian rhythms, which can make it harder to fall asleep before 10pm or 11pm. When we add in early school starts, upcoming assessments and exams, co-curricular activities and, sometimes, part-time jobs, sleep challenges can become common. It’s important for whānau to support teens as this age group needs more sleep than we may think.

In a recent report from paediatricians at John Hopkins University, it states that teens need up to nine and a half hours sleep per night, which, for some, is an hour or so more than the requirement for age 10. So why is this the case? Teenagers are going through a “second developmental stage” of cognitive development and additional sleep supports their developing brains, as well as their physical growth.

As a mother, I understand the challenges that teens, but also parents, can face when it comes to sleep – the bedtime routines, the find the phone, and the ever enjoyable “it’s time to get up” morning slog. When we think ‘required hours of sleep’, we can often fret that our teens are not getting enough and the battle of bedtimes can ensue.

First and foremost, you know your sons best and sometimes it is enough to provide the space for them to rest and recoup when you notice fatigue setting in. In MINDfit, the boys have been noting their bedtimes, sleep times, and evening routines through a sleep diary and this has provided some interesting group discussions. Talk to your sons about their sleeping and what they are learning and you may want to think about family evening or bedtime routines.

Interestingly, the boarders find the evening routines in their Houses help their sleep and mitigate any challenges regarding screen time and phones. I will be talking about screens and teens in my next article.

For more information on teens and sleep, Teens Need More Sleep Than You Think is a great read on SchoolTV.

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    From the Chaplain

    Staff Cameron Pickering 1608 SQ

    The Reverend Canon Cameron Pickering

    Everyone can help out

    Tēnā koutou katoa.
    Peace to you all in the name of God.

    With only three school-day Chapel services remaining this year, it is timely to remind the wider community of our Advent Service on Sunday 27 November at 7pm and, of course, Carols on the Quad on Thursday 1 December at 6pm.

    We continue to collect non-perishable foodstuffs (cans) for the Anglican City Mission for Christmas. We have 360 cans so far, and want to grow the ‘can Christmas tree’ in the Chapel as we head towards year’s end.

    This year, we are also supporting a local charity, Kiwi Christmas Books, which donates books to families who can use some help with gifts for their children. Kiwi Christmas Books last year donated 350 books to the Anglican City Mission, the Christchurch Women’s Refuge, and the Battered Women’s Trust.

    Please consider buying an extra book or two when you are shopping or ordering books online and add it to our College donation box inside the Chapel. Or you can donate online at Picture books, chapter books, young adult, fiction or non-fiction – all will be appreciated by the children of Ōtautahi Christchurch.

    As we prepare for Show weekend, and set our minds towards Advent, may all that we do this week be for us an offering rather than a burden; and for those whom we serve in the name of Christ, may it be the help they need.

    Yours in Him,
    The Rev'd Cameron Pickering

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    Latest News & Events

    Scholarship Winners 2023

    University Scholarships 2023

    Congratulations to our Christ’s College students who have been awarded an impressive 51 university scholarships for 2023.

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    2022 01 Trade Fair

    Sustainable tools of the trade on show

    Sustainability focused Temp Tags, Scrubbers, Tuckin, and DTB Baits may be among the most successful businesses of tomorrow.

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    2022 02 css champs aj madondo 2

    AJ Madondo leaps into record books

    College athletes have delivered a slew of outstanding results at the 2022 Canterbury Secondary School Championships, with Year 12 student AJ Madondo leading the charge.

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    2022 Jack Hansen Ratter NZ Junior Masters 01

    Jack Hansen-Ratter takes top tennis title

    College tennis star – and top seed – Jack Hansen-Ratter has won the New Zealand Junior Masters U14 title in Hamilton.

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    Julius House Cycling Fundraiser 1

    Julius – going the distance for mental health

    The boys of Julius House have geared up to raise $5000 for mental health education in primary and intermediate schools following a 24-hour cycling fundraiser for the Sir John Kirwan Foundation.

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    Lucas Liam Tennis 1

    Lucas and Liam serve up top tennis

    Two of College’s star tennis players – Lucas Evans and Liam Barrett – have featured in the Canterbury team competing at the U17 inter-regional competition in Wellington.

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    Eco-Action Nursery Trust

    Staff David Newton 0397 SQ

    David Newton
    Eco-Action Trust co-founder

    Our successes and supporters

    Thank you to all the students, teachers, volunteers, and business sponsors who have helped make this year so successful for Eco-Action.

    We have planted about 18,000 native plants in the red zone in a section organised by Christchurch City Council Parks staff and LINZ. We are now potting on the 21,000 eco-sourced seedlings to be planted next year at 20 schools and two community groups.

    This year, Casebrook Intermediate, Haeata, Richmond Community Gardens, Medbury School, Charles Upham Rangiora, and Ao Tawhiti have joined Christchurch Boys’ High School, Tūāhiwi Kura, St Michael’s Church School, Burnside Primary School, Rangi Ruru Girls’ School, St Margaret’s College, Christchurch Girls’ High School, Linwood College, Rāwhiti School, The Cathedral Grammar School, Heaton Intermediate, Avonside Girls’ High School, Shirley Boys’ High School, Christchurch South Intermediate, St Andrew’s College and Christ’s College.

    29 May 2022 – planting at QEII

    Thank you to the students and their teachers and supporters who are potting on 30,000 seedlings into PB3s. The seedlings will grow this summer before being planted out in winter 2023. Isaac Construction has again provided road cone sprinkler stands for the new nurseries. About 21,000 seedlings will be pricked out to supply the schools and other groups next season. Canterbury Landscape Supplies continues to supply an excellent potting mix that grows such healthy plants and EnviroWaste has donated another 48 wheelie bins, essential for potting mix cartage and site storage.

    It has been a fantastic season for growth, with the planted blocks doing well and all four public plantings well supported. Each day, we have finished within two hours. We will benefit from the good ground condition but Canterbury weather is fickle, with drought a probability even after the wettest year on record. Water tanks – donated by Mainland Tanks & Drums – continue to be an insurance policy, as well as invaluable in washing in the fines around the roots at planting.

    The New Brighton Volunteer Fire Brigade has again helped this season with a water stand. If the season dries out, the brigade will provide invaluable further insurance with water-use practice over the new blocks. Thank you also to Council staff who have supplied and spread the mulch so important to control weed strike and early competition. It has been tidied up by Corrections staff and their charges. They have also placed the plants and planted gaps in the older blocks, as well as doing critical woody weed control. This has left us to concentrate on growing and planting natives.

    21 August 2022 – planting for Chimera-Atlantis

    Collaboration will continue to be essential as we help plant out the 600ha of the Green Spine City to Sea vision for a native forest, full of bird song, over the next decade or two. Our plants will also help regenerate the Styx and Ōtūkaikino Waimakariri catchment through a plant donation to the Ōtūkaikino Water and Wildlife Trust, as well as the Styx Living Laboratory.

    Another grant from the Christchurch City Council Sustainability and Community Resilience Committee – paid over two years – will allow the rest of the QEII Adventure Nature Trail to be completed and the Atlantis-Chimera Block expanded.

    Several schools and organisations have asked to join us to help grow plants for the red zone and surrounding areas. Other grants from private sources will ensure the continuation of the our mahi. The efforts of all involved have been recognised with the Eco-Action Nursery Trust again named as a finalist in the Keep New Zealand Beautiful national awards.

    Ngā mihi nui again to all the students, teachers, volunteers, and businesses sponsors who are helping make this a reality.

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    Upcoming Events


    Tuesday 15 November, 6pmWanaka Community Visit, Bistro Gentil

    Book now.

    Friday 18 November, 12pmCCOBA Christchurch Long Lunch, The Christchurch Club

    Book now.

    Friday 18 November, 12.30pmCCOBA NSW Branch Long Lunch
    RSVP here

    Thursday 24 November, 6pm

    Christchurch Young Old Boys (YOBs) Event, Kong Bar

    Book now.

    Tuesday 10 January, 6pmLondon Community Visit, The Gherkin

    Book now.


    Thursday 1 December, 4–5.30pmYears 9–11 Prize-giving
    Thursday 1 December, 6pmCarols on the Quad
    Saturday 3 December, 7.30–11pmLeavers' Ball, Air Force Museum of New Zealand, Wigram
    Friday 17 – Sunday 19 February 2023CCOBA Reunion Weekend
    Christ’s College
    Sunday 26 February 2023, 10amCCOBA Joe Studholme Car Rally

    Christ’s College

    Saturday 4 March 2023CCOBA Yacht Race


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    Staff Chris Sellars

    Chris Sellars
    Careers Advisor

    Christ's College CareerWise

    All Years 11–13 boys – along with parents – are urged to subscribe to the College CareerWise site. Regular posts focus on news and events. Click here to subscribe.

    University of Otago information (other universities will be similar)

    • November – Apply for ‘free fees’ on the website
    • November – Boys need to sit external exams, regardless of credits already gained
    • 10 December – Deadline to submit subjects for 2023 study
    • 1 February 2023 (approx) – Further accommodation payment, $4000–$8000
    • 10 February 2023 – Tuition fees required

    Finding Your Pathway programme – Year 11 students

    Our Year 11 boys will be involved in multiple career-related activities during our Finding Your Pathway programme in late November.

    College will host guest speakers on Wednesday and Thursday 23–24 November while the boys will visit several businesses on Friday 25 November.

    From Monday to Wednesday 28–30 November, the boys will visit Lincoln University, the University of Canterbury and Te Pūkenga – Ara so that they can explore each campus, and learn about the different degrees, diplomas and opportunities on offer.

    Lincoln University (28 November): At Lincoln University, the boys will participate in several fun, interactive, and degree-relevant activities. Boys need to wear comfortable clothing (as they will be in the gym for part of the day), and bring a water bottle and lunch.

    University of Canterbury (29 November): At UC, the boys will be involved in two hands-on activities showcasing degree options. Morning tea will be provided, but boys need to bring a water bottle.

    Te Pūkenga – Ara (30 November): At Te Pūkenga – Ara, the boys will tour the central city campus and the trades campus. They can learn about the degrees, diplomas, and certificates on offer, and see how the facilities support real-life learning. Boys need to bring a water bottle and morning tea.

    Registration: All Year 11 boys have been given a link to register for the visits to Lincoln University, UC and Te Pūkenga – Ara. They can also select areas of interest at UC.

    UC applications – 2023

    Applications to enrol at the University of Canterbury in 2023 are due by 9 December, so boys need to apply as as soon as possible via myUC. If students need help selecting first-year courses, they can book appointments with UC Future Student Advisors. UC has also compiled study and exam tips to help students achieve UE.

    Bachelor of Digital Screen with Honours

    Demand is growing for UC’s new Bachelor of Digital Screen with Honours degree. You can check out the latest Digital Screen campus updates online. A recent Digital Screen Careers Information Evening can also be viewed online.

    School Leavers’ Tool Kit

    For information on financial support for tertiary education, moving out of home, taking care of myself and others or getting a job, click here.

    StudyLink – student loans and allowances

    If boys intend to apply for a student loan or allowance, they need to register and apply online through StudyLink. As this process can take time, it is best to get under way sooner rather than later.

    Exam preparation

    Check out the NCEA resources to help attain the best grades and prepare for upcoming internals and externals – resources for NCEA.

    Student Jobs Guide

    For those looking for a summer job, MoneyHub has produced a comprehensive Student Jobs Guide, with tips on how to make an application and where to look for work. For more information, go to MoneyHub.

    Mainfreight – Summer Work Experience Programme

    Mainfreight offers a paid Summer Work Experience Programme for people seeking practical skills and opportunities. This can lead to a new career and may suit those studying Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Mathematics or Statistics. For more information, go to the Mainfreight website to apply.

    Mainfreight School Leavers: Homepage

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      From the Archives

      Jane Teal


      Boundaries have a single purpose. They mark the division between “our” land and “their” land. They can also create separate areas within “our” land.

      The earliest view we have of the eastern boundary is of the post and rail fences that separated Raven’s Paddock from Antigua Street (Rolleston Avenue) and the street from the College grounds in 1869.

      There are times when this boundary has been guarded.

      Cadets at the gates, 1932.

      On the north, there has always been the boundary of the river.

      Science Block and Williams Court, October 2013.

      The north side of Upper was, for many years, the prime spot for spectators, as the start and finish line for the Athletic Sports was there. They were kept in check by a sturdier version of the post and rail fence.

      CCPAL8/8/1, Christ's College Archives.

      The southern boundary, between the Museum and the Botanic Gardens, has always been a little “difficult”. In the 1870s, there was much discussion about a six-foot, galvanised iron fence between College and the Museum. However, much of the difficulty stemmed from boys taking short cuts over what appeared to be a low fence and trampling on the plantings, to the frustration of the gardeners.

      The decision to build a brick wall that would, theoretically, put an end to the short cuts was first mooted in 1915 but – because of delays in concrete supply and a desire not to fundraise in competition with the Dining Hall – it was not finally completed until 1923.

      The Wall, October 2008. FJT

      The cost of the wall was partially offset by donations from Old Boys and their families, which enabled a plaque to be included in the wall. The order of the plaques in the wall was decided by ballot.

      Then, with the demolition of the Synod Hall, there was a spare door. So, it became the lychgate that enabled access to the Gardens.i

      CCPAL16/15 Christ's College Archives.
      Lychgate 2022

      To the west, internal boundaries have enabled College to have its own baths on-site.

      CCPAL25/12/1, Christ's College Archives.

      Now, there is a new boundary fence as work continues on Upper West, the new sports facility.

      i It is not strictly speaking a lychgate. A lychgate usually has seats under the canopy and it is the space where a coffin rests while waiting for the clergy to arrive to take the burial service. Lych come from the Old English or Saxon work lic meaning corpse.
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