Issue. 198 hero image

From the Executive Principal

Staff Garth Wynne

Garth Wynne
Executive Principal

P71058 In Black White Advert FA 1

As the community of College is aware, philanthropy in all its elements – be that time, talent or treasure – is one of our key strategic themes as we approach our 175th in 2025.

In recent years, we have especially appreciated the time given by Old Boys and members of our parent community through their volunteering in areas of interest e.g. ‘Friends of’ and additionally sharing their talents and expertise through committee membership or speaking with boys on various occasions. We are now at the time of year where we reach out for treasure in our wider community that will benefit those within and beyond this community.

Giving Day – help us grow future champions

This year, our Annual Appeal is our Giving Day and we focus on raising funds for our Upper restoration project. The successful renovation of this site following the completion of our Upper West facility will provide benefit for both our boys and all who are fortunate enough to use Upper as a place to play. Ideally, the field and its surrounds will be modernised and updated, allowing for quality spectator and player experience. Upper has been integral to College life for generations – from Athletics Days to rugby games and day-to-day PE classes – and now it needs some love.

This Giving Day (Thursday 24 November) aims to set up the sporting success of generations to come by, as a priority, restoring and enhancing Upper to create a world-class turf to train and play on all-year round – a turf truly worthy of our soon-to-be-completed, multi-purpose sports centre.

We believe there is no better way to capture the essence of the importance of Giving Day than to hear from several members of our community as they share their insights into the role that Upper has played in their lives at College and their support of this project.

Click here to hear from College parent and coach and former All Black Reuben Thorne, Old Boy and past parent Dan Batchelor, past College coach and Head of PE Jerry Rowberry, Old Boy and former All Black Robbie Deans, and Old Boy and former All Black Tabai Matson.

Giving Day takes place on Thursday 24 November online via a dedicated giving page. All donations made on the day will be tripled thanks to contributions from matching donors.

We hope you support Giving Day and help nurture further success for future generations of College boys through the provision of the best facilities available.

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End-of-year events

Staff Darrell Thatcher

Darrell Thatcher
Deputy Principal – Planning & Co-curricular

Wednesday 23–Wednesday 30 November

  • Year 9 Outdoor Education Programme
  • Year 10 Community Service Programme
  • Year 11 Finding Your Pathway Programme

Thursday 1 December

  • Years 9–11 prize-giving, 4pm
  • Carols on the Quad, 6pm

Years 9–11 prize-giving (uniform of the day – suits)

2pmRehearsal for Years 9–11 prize winners in the Assembly Hall

All Year 11 boys and Years 9–10 prize winners report to the Assembly Hall, and Years 9–10 non-prize winners report to their Houses for roll call

4pmYears 9–11 prize-giving (Assembly Hall)
5.30pmYear 12 boys report to their Houses for roll call and then proceed to Carols on the Quad
6pmCarols on the Quad
7pmEnd of school year for Years 9–11
(Please note, some cricket games will still be taking place on Saturday 3 December)

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Boarding Matters

Staff Ben Vink 8793 2222 SQ

Ben Vink
Deputy Principal – Student Care

Friends of Boarding

I want to thank Sarah Davidson for her contribution to the Friends of Boarding community. At last week’s meeting of the Friends of Boarding, Sarah announced her resignation. She has been committee chair for the past four years, taking the committee from inception and growing it into a positive forum.

As always, last week’s meeting was solution focused and a very positive sounding board. We now number into the double figures of parents contributing to this forum, and cover all three Houses and several regions and that is no mean feat. That the tone of the meetings is solution focused and a feedback forum for us in boarding can all be attributed to Sarah’s positive leadership. She has been a strong advocate and supporter of College boarding, working tirelessly to put forward a parental perspective and point of view. Thank you Sarah.

Thanks also to Brenna Nation for taking over the committee leadership from 2023.

Friends of Boarding also welcomes your ideas, so please complete the survey here.

Staying safe

One of the topics that came out of the recent Friends of Boarding meeting and the In Black & White article a fortnight ago was the issue of the boys’ safety in Christchurch. We have spoken to the boys in the Houses. However, I have also provided a basic checklist below that may serve as a discussion point when preparing the students for their return to College next year. A lot of these points are common sense and I am sure many of us use them when we travel. However, they are very relevant in Christchurch at present.

  • Make sure you are with other people.
  • Make sure that you have the House duty phone number easily accessible.
  • Make sure you know how to contact the NZ Police. Their number is 111.
  • Don't walk around town with your expensive phone out.
  • Be aware that if you are wearing headphones or AirPods that you may not be aware of what is happening around you.
  • Keep your wallet in your front pocket, not your back.
  • Do not carry large amounts of cash or valuables on you.
  • If you are wearing expensive clothing, be mindful of that. Could you make another choice on what you are wearing?
  • Be aware of who is around you.
  • Cross the road or enter a busy space/shop if you are feeling wary or uncomfortable.
  • Avoid unnecessary contact with strangers.
  • Take care around ATMs.
  • If mugged, don't fight to keep valuables.
  • Call for help when you can.

What's for dinner?

View the Dining Hall menu produced by the talented team at Spotless.

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Curriculum News

Staff Nicole Billante

Nicole Billante
Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning

Pathway to a successful year

Classes have finished for the 2022 academic year. A huge congratulations to all the boys and teachers for their hard work, dedication and success through a year of constant change.

Seniors still have about 10 days until examinations are complete, although some of the biggest exams have been held. It is important that they do not drop their focus for the few that remain as these are just as important for their overall success. Keep your energy right to the end boys.

Last week, Year 11 also completed examinations for the end of their Diploma. I would like to give these boys particular praise. Every day that I lined them up for exams, they impressed me with their focus. We have stressed to them that even though they may not be worth ‘credits’, they do matter, and they have shown that in their attitude throughout the week.

However, there is more learning to do before school is officially out for the summer. Years 9–11 all have a rich week of programmes. Whether it be outdoor education, service, or our tertiary visits, there is something each boy can take away from the next week. I wish them all well on these adventures and hope that the experiences give them new insights into themselves or the world around them.

And then I wish them all the best for a very, very well-earned break. Enjoy. And, as always, pick up a book or two along the way to keep those brain muscles active too.

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Wellbeing Education

Staff Caroline Black 6072 SQ

Caroline Black
Director of Wellbeing Education

Teens, screens and sleep

Screen time is linked to a raft of sleep issues for teenagers. Screen time can push back bedtime and lead to a less replenishing sleep. With early school start times, a later bedtime and restless sleep can result in less sleep overall and a reduced ability to concentrate and engage with learning the following day. Over time, this can have a significant impact on circadian rhythms and wellbeing.

So what is the issue? Evidence shows teens may be extra-sensitive to the effects of blue light. This is why limiting screen time in the evening can be hugely beneficial. Screens can also disrupt and suppress melatonin levels (melatonin being the hormone that helps control our bodies’ sleep patterns and sleep-wake cycles). With screen time delaying this evening release of melatonin, it can literally eat into a teen’s sleep time. Engaging in content that boosts adrenaline, as well as social media, before bedtime can also raise alertness and impede sleep.

While there is debate about whether screen time is directly linked to insomnia in teens, there is no doubt from conversations in MINDfit that those students who are having trouble sleeping are often the students using their screens at night. A recent study that considers youth screen media habits and sleep has found 57% of teens who use technology in the bedroom suffer from sleep problems and teens consistently report worse sleep when they have a TV or small screen in their bedrooms.

I am a strong advocate for the use of digital technologies. However, there has to be a clear purpose and appropriate place for this use. I had to reflect on my own evening routines, especially in terms of my phone and computer usage, as it was having quite an impact on my sleep. I was very honest in sharing this in MINDfit this semester. By establishing a clear evening routine, I have reduced my screen time and my sleep has improved. Some of the boys set themselves the challenge of getting off their screens at least 30 minutes before bedtime and definitely have felt the benefit.

If you are looking for some tips, you could consider the following:

  • Establish evening routines to replace screen use, such as reading or talking
  • Collaboratively create boundaries for school and leisure screen time
  • Listen to your son’s concerns, such as how they may feel about missing out on social updates and find ways to work in solutions
  • Agree on a ‘screen curfew’ with your son
  • Charge phones, laptops and other screens outside the bedroom
  • Talk openly about screens and sleep and model healthy screen habits, especially in the evenings.

For more information, listen to Dr Sarah Blunden share her insight on Sleep & Screen. If your sons are struggling to come off their screens, listen to Dr Emma Woodard share her insight into The Bridge Technique. Both are fantastic resources on SchoolTV.

    Screen teen sleep
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    Health Centre

    Nicky Taylor IBW

    Nicky Taylor
    Health Centre Nurse

    Rachel Trengrove IBW

    Rachel Trengrove
    Health Centre Nurse

    Increased UV exposure risk

    Ultraviolet (UV) radiation levels are higher compared with 2021, lifting the risk of sunburn and skin cancer. There are concerns that the ozone layer has been further depleted following the volcanic eruption in Tonga in January this year. Fortunately, possible damage to the ozone layer following that eruption is temporary, reversing over a few years.

    Skin cancers remain the most common form of cancer in New Zealand, with 90,000 cases annually. We have some of the highest melanoma rates in the world. So, when you are out having fun in the sun, remember to …

    Slip on a shirt
    Slop on some sunscreen
    Slap on a hat
    Seek some shade
    Slide on some sunglasses.

    Istockphoto 1164951233 170667a
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    From the Chaplain

    Staff Cameron Pickering 1608 SQ

    The Reverend Canon Cameron Pickering

    O come, O come, Emmanuel

    Tēnā koutou katoa.
    Peace to you all in the name of God.

    This Sunday, 27 November is Advent Sunday, and begins the Advent season in the church year. It seems odd, as we come to the end of our academic year, that the Church calendar begins on Advent Sunday. It is like New Year’s Day for the church.

    Advent comes to us from the Latin Adventus, which may be translated as ‘expectation of arrival’. There are two reasons the Church looks expectantly. First, quite obviously, is the Feast of the Incarnation or, as you may say, Christmas. The Church focuses for a month leading towards Christmas because Christmas – among the carols, and pageants, not to mention all the secular trappings of this holiday season – names an important theological truth for Christians. Namely, that the Christian religion is not about escapism, but another matter entirely, creation.

    You and I matter enough to God that God will come among us in carne – in the flesh. Christmas is the celebration of God with us – Emmanuel as scripture and the great old hymn tell us. And that is reason to again – as the hymn suggests – rejoice.

    The second reason Advent is a time of expectation is that it also looks to a time where God’s kingdom will reign on Earth as it does in heaven.

    Advent is not simply the preparation for the celebration of an event 2000 years ago, but symbolises that God is still at work in the world, bringing a kingdom of kindness, generosity, love, justice, fairness, truth, hospitality, service, compassion, forgiveness, and redemption to be. The instrument of this kingdom building – while not limited to the Christian Church, (for I believe there are many other faiths, and communities who build such a kingdom every day) – is the great calling of every Christian.

    This Sunday, we will light the Advent candles (we’ll go for all four). Traditionally, one of the four candles is lit each Sunday leading towards Christmas, with the central candle – the Christ Candle – being lit on Christmas Eve.

    The three purple candles denote peace, love, and hope. The pink candle – associated usually with the third Sunday in Advent – denotes joy. Hope, peace, love, and joy are all hallmarks of the kingdom that the Church and communities founded in faith like ours are called to build.

    And, of course, candles shed light. As the light that was coming into the world in the person of Jesus Christ celebrated on Christmas Day is the great reminder of what we have seen of God’s nature in Jesus, then how we are to build God’s kingdom – learning from and leaning on Christ – seems an obvious place to begin.

    I look forward to seeing many of you at our Advent Service this Sunday, and at Carols on The Quad on Thursday 1 December.

    Yours in Christ,
    The Rev'd Cameron Pickering

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    IBW Carols on the Quad

    Christ’s College Old Boys’ Association

    Lizzie Dyer The Quad

    Lizzie Dyer
    Alumni Manager

    Latest News & Events

    2022 01 tuckin

    Tuck into fresh food approach

    A new online ordering system developed by a trio of College students helps beat the tuck shop rush while satisfying break-time food demands.

    Read full article
    2022 01 tug of war

    Tug-of-war returns with grunt

    They heaved and puffed, strained, sweated and groaned – all in the interests of House glory.

    Read full article
    2022 01 be inspired

    Be Inspired – empowering young leaders

    About 200 students from 15 schools have descended on College for the annual Year 7 leadership conference, Be Inspired.

    Read full article

    Upcoming Events


    Thursday 24 November, 6pm

    Christchurch Young Old Boys (YOBs) Event, Kong Bar

    Book now.

    Thursday 15 December, 6pmNew York Community Event, The Long Room
    RSVP now.
    Tuesday 10 January, 6pmLondon Community Visit, The Gherkin

    Book now.

    Tuesday 17 January, 6pmSan Francisco Community Event
    RSVP now.

    Thursday 1 December, 4–5.30pmYears 9–11 Prize-giving
    Thursday 1 December, 6pmCarols on the Quad
    Saturday 3 December, 7.30–11pmLeavers’ Ball, Air Force Museum of New Zealand, Wigram
    Friday 17 – Sunday 19 February 2023CCOBA Reunion Weekend
    Christ’s College
    Sunday 26 February 2023, 10amCCOBA Joe Studholme Car Rally

    Christ’s College

    Saturday 4 March 2023CCOBA Yacht Race


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    Staff Chris Sellars

    Chris Sellars
    Careers Advisor

    Christ's College CareerWise

    All Years 11–13 boys – along with parents – are urged to subscribe to the College CareerWise site. Regular posts focus on news and events. Click here to subscribe.

    Finding Your Pathway programme – Year 11 students

    Our Year 11 boys will be involved in multiple, career-related activities during our Finding Your Pathway programme in late November.

    College will host guest speakers on Wednesday and Thursday 23–24 November while the boys will visit several businesses on Friday 25 November.

    From Monday to Wednesday 28–30 November, the boys will visit Lincoln University, the University of Canterbury and Te Pūkenga – Ara so that they can explore each campus, and learn about the different degrees, diplomas and opportunities on offer.

    Lincoln University (28 November): At Lincoln University, the boys will participate in several fun, interactive, and degree-relevant activities. Boys need to wear comfortable clothing (as they will be in the gym for part of the day), and bring a water bottle and lunch.

    University of Canterbury (29 November): At UC, the boys will be involved in two hands-on activities showcasing degree options. Morning tea will be provided, but boys need to bring a water bottle.

    Te Pūkenga – Ara (30 November): At Te Pūkenga – Ara, the boys will tour the central city campus and the trades campus. They can learn about the degrees, diplomas, and certificates on offer, and see how the facilities support real-life learning. Boys need to bring a water bottle and morning tea.

    Registration: All Year 11 boys have been given a link to register for the visits to Lincoln University, UC and Te Pūkenga – Ara. They can also select areas of interest at UC

    University of Otago – liaison

    An email from the University of Otago school liaison officer: For current Year 13s, I am in Christchurch from 5–8 December if they or their whānau want to chat. I have had students contacting me from most schools, asking questions, as they have missed seeing me either in person or on Zoom.

    Book to see University of Otago school liaison officer Prajesh Chhanabhai –

    UC applications – 2023

    Applications to enrol at the University of Canterbury in 2023 are due by 9 December, so boys need to apply as as soon as possible via myUC. If students need help selecting first-year courses, they can book appointments with UC Future Student Advisors. UC has also compiled study and exam tips to help students achieve UE.

    Year 13 Leavers 2022 – intentions for 2023

    As of November 2022, for boys leaving at the end of the year, here are the post-College statistics: 90% intend to study at tertiary institutions in 2023 and 10% intend to work, do a pre-trade or an apprenticeship.

    The following percentages apply to those who are attending tertiary institutions in 2023 and their intended place of study – 121/134:

    • 31% University of Canterbury
    • 18% University of Otago
    • 17% Lincoln University
    • 11% USA/Australia
    • 9% University of Auckland
    • 8% Victoria University Wellington
    • 4% Te Pūkenga – Ara/Smedley Station and Cadet Training Farm/Queenstown Resort College
    • 1% Massey University
    • 1% Auckland University of Technology (AUT)

    Intended study areas for 2023

    Of the 2022 leavers attending tertiary institutions in 2023, the following percentages indicate the intended areas of study:

    • 27% Commerce/Commerce & Law
    • 15% Science/Science & Law/Computer Science /Sport Science
    • 12% Engineering/Aircraft Engineering
    • 9% Arts/Arts & Law/Arts & Science or Commerce
    • 7% Valuation & Property Management/Urban Planning
    • 6% Health Sciences/Veterinary Science
    • 6% Architecture
    • 6% Design/Digital Screen Production/Fine Arts/Product Design/Photography
    • 4% Sport Coaching/Sport & Recreational Management
    • 3% Agriculture
    • 3% Communications/Broadcasting/Music
    • 2% Social Work/Tourism

    School Leavers’ Tool Kit

    For information on financial support for tertiary education, moving out of home, taking care of myself and others or getting a job, click here.

    StudyLink – student loans and allowances

    If boys intend to apply for a student loan or allowance, they need to register and apply online through StudyLink. As this process can take time, it is best to get under way sooner rather than later.

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      From the Archives

      Jane Teal

      A week of it …

      Life in the archives is full of surprises. You never know what question you are going to be asked by the public or Old Boys or which piece of College history the staff want researched.

      In one week recently, there were three surprise additions to the College collections.

      The first was a photograph of North Town. North Town – so named because the boys allocated to that House lived north of Gloucester Street – is now Julius House. In 1923, 93 boys were the responsibility of one Housemaster, James Monteath. The backstory to the photograph was that the donor found it used as a backing board when a piece of art – that had been in the family in Auckland for many years – was taken apart for reframing.

      This means we now have photographs of both North Town and South Town in the collection, taken in the same year by Steffano Webb’s studio.

      The second surprise was a teaspoon. Why was this a surprise? Because I had never seen one before with ‘Christ’s College’ engraved on its handle. It was found by the donor while cleaning out a drawer at a family farm property in Waikato. The reverse has a clear ‘W&H’ inside a pennant, which indicates it has been made by Walker and Hall of Sheffield and is silver-plated. However, the other marking, ‘ORUBA’, has all those who make comments on such things on the internet somewhat mystified. The donor believed it could be dated to the 1950s.

      Can any Old Boy add to this information?

      Surprise number three came from Thomas (Tom) Webb Tothill (5712). The 1st XV cap worn in 1915–1917 belonged to his father, Thomas Webb Compton Tothill (2357).

      The Christ’s College Registers for these years describe Tothill’s contributions to the game. He was initially described as a “light” forward and weighing 9st 12lb in the 1915 game against CBHS in a team that was regrouping. By 1916, he weighed 12st against CBHS and was involved in “fine forward play”.

      In 1917, he was named captain of the 1st XV and, along with his other College duties, Head Prefect, Lieutenant of the No 1 Platoon, a member of the Games Committee, 1st Cricket XI, the Debating Committee, the Entertainment Committee and one of the editors of the Register. He must have had a very busy year.

      However, that was not all. At the Athletic Sports, he was 1st in putting the weight, and the scratch half-mile open, and 2nd in the mile open. At the end of the year, he was awarded prizes for English, French, Divinity, and Mathematics, in addition to 2nd in the Tancred History and 3rd in the Tancred Literature essays.

      In 1923, after completing a Bachelor of Science, TWC Tothill returned to College and taught Science until 1960.

      Prefects – 1917:
      Back row (from left): Adrian Frederick Hindmarsh (2805), Francis Wentworth Maslin Cowlishaw (2437), Lionel Esmond Cooke (2435), and Francis Edward George Batley (2628).
      Front row (from left): James Busby Williams (2828), Philip Pinckney Boulnois (2707), Thomas Webb Compton Tothill (2357), Roger Charles Blunt (2706), and John Henry McLean Edmond (2857).

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