Issue. 198 hero image

From the Deputy Principal

Staff Rob Donaldson 0778 SQ

Rob Donaldson
Deputy Principal

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For me, there have been several highlights in the last two weeks, including meeting Old Boys from various generations at Community Events in Auckland and Wellington, and seeing the boys having fun on stage in Peter Pan.

I have also attended the NZQA Scholarship Awards at Parliament to support Yusef Elnahas as he received the 2022 Top Scholar Award for Japanese, watched our chess club boys in the library, and, finally, enjoyed the STEM Week competitions in the Chapman Room. STEM week has been an excellent innovation by our Academic Committee, led by Angus Gifford.

Round Square exchange

This week, we welcome two boys from Scotch Oakburn, Tasmania, who are joining us for two weeks on a Round Square exchange. Seton Brock and Charles Corrigan will be hosted by James Reed and Connor MacKenzie, who have already spent two weeks with them in Tasmania. Hopefully, this is the start of regular exchanges with schools around the world, now that the constraints of Covid-19 have been removed.

Round Square Conference

Finally, in my capacity as the Round Square representative for Christ’s College, I would like to promote the Whanganui Collegiate School Round Square Conference for 13–15 year olds (Years 9–10). We can take a delegation of up to six boys to the conference, but only two have expressed an interest so far. Boys who attend the conference will be able to lay claim to Silver, and possibly Gold, for the Global Citizenship component of the College Diploma. Of course, this should not be the main motivation for attending the conference. The real reason is that by attending the conference, the boys can meet students from all over the world. It is an amazing opportunity. Any boys who are interested should email me, after discussing the costs and timing with their parents.

To learn more about the Round Square Conference, please click here.

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Staff Darrell Thatcher

Darrell Thatcher
Deputy Principal – Planning & Co-curricular

Annual Christ's College vs CBHS rugby game

This year, the annual Christ’s College vs Christchurch Boys’ High School rugby game will be held on Wednesday 31 May at Christchurch Boys’ High School, with kick-off at 12pm.

Routine for the day

  • 8.15am House Assembly
  • 8.30–9.10am Period 1
  • 9.15–9.55am Period 2
  • 10–10.40am Period 3
  • 10.40–11.10am Break
  • 11.10am Students attending the game meet in the Assembly Hall
  • 2.30pm Students are back at school following the game, ready to complete after-school co-curricular commitments (including training and games)

Options for boys on the day

  • Attend the game (boys travel to and from the game by buses – no private transport).
  • Remain at College in supervised study (from 11am).
  • Go home at 11am.

Please note:

  • Students have been sent a Google form via email to complete regarding their options for the day. Please discuss this with your son. This form must be completed by 9am Thursday 18 May.
  • ALL normal after-school co-curricular commitments are expected to be fulfilled by students, including training and games.

Christ’s College Blood Drive

The Christ’s College Blood Drive will be held on Tuesday 23 May in the Chapman Room. Enoka De Jacolyn from the New Zealand Blood Service has spoken to the boys at Assembly about the huge difference donating blood can make to many people around New Zealand. To donate blood, students need to be 16 years or older. Students have been sent an email providing information and including a link so that they can sign up to donate blood. Please discuss this with your son.

Rolleston Avenue roadworks update

Fulton Hogan has advised that while Park Terrace and Rolleston Avenue have reverted to two lanes, the temporary signal controls for the Rolleston Avenue and Gloucester Street intersection will remain for up to four more weeks. This is the result of complications regarding the permanent signal controls for the intersection. This will restrict vehicle access to College. The diagram here shows travel paths. Vehicles entering College can only approach from the southern end of Rolleston Ave and turn left into the campus. Vehicles cannot turn right into College or approach from Gloucester Street. The alternative access paths are Durham Street > Hereford Street > Rolleston Avenue from the north, or Montreal Street > Hereford Street > Rolleston Avenue from the south. When leaving the College campus, it will be left-hand turn only.

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Boarding Matters

Staff Ben Vink 8793 2222 SQ

Ben Vink
Deputy Principal – Student Care

King’s Birthday weekend

A reminder that the King’s Birthday weekend is an exeat weekend. The three boarding Houses will close on Saturday 3 June at 3pm and reopen on Monday 5 June at 3pm. The boys will need to be back in their Houses by 8pm on Monday.

Diploma Q&A for Boarding Parents

We are hosting a Diploma Q&A with afternoon tea for our boarding families on Monday 5 June from 3–4pm in the Chapman Room. We hope you can join us for the Diploma Q&A when you drop off your sons at College following the exeat weekend.

Please register here.

Boarding activities

Our boarders have set sail – on land – and kicked into sporting action during a fun-filled weekend of activities. The boys have been kept busy while racing along in Blokarts, a wind-powered, land-sailing craft, and Driftkarts, as well as playing 'tabletop foosball' with real people.

2023 02 velocity
2023 01 velocity
2023 03 velocity
2023 04 velocity
2023 05 velocity
2023 06 velocity

What's for dinner?

View the Dining Hall menu produced by the talented team at Spotless.

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Wellbeing Education

Staff Caroline Black 6072 SQ

Caroline Black
Director of Wellbeing Education

Parent Education Evening with Jazz Thornton – Understanding youth mental health

In a rapidly changing world, teenagers can often struggle. Mental health advocate Jazz Thornton shares the warning signs and explains how to help, along with what to do and things to avoid, while detailing the best approach to supporting your child’s mental wellbeing. Join us on Thursday 1 June at 7pm for an insightful night. Book here.

This event will not be live-streamed or recorded.

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    Health Centre

    Nicky Taylor IBW

    Nicky Taylor
    Health Centre Nurse

    Rachel Trengrove IBW

    Rachel Trengrove
    Health Centre Nurse


    You may have read recently that there have been two confirmed cases of measles in Auckland. A highly contagious disease, measles is spread by coughing and sneezing, and close personal or direct contact with infected nasal or throat secretions.

    Symptoms develop between seven and 13 days after exposure, including fever, cough, runny nose, sore and watery ‘pink’ eyes, and a blotchy rash.

    As per the New Zealand immunisation schedule, children are immunised for measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) at the ages of 12 and 15 months. If there is an outbreak at College, we will be directed to carry out contact tracing.

    It is important that your son’s immunisation records are up to date. Please inform College of any immunisation changes or updates via the parent portal.

    If your son is a boarder and has not had the MMR vaccination schedule and you want him to do so, the medical practice aligned to College – The Christchurch Doctors in Hereford Street – can help. Dayboys will need to contact their family GP.

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      Staff Emma Stilwell 1600 SQ 2023 05 16 000200

      Emma Stilwell

      One for the books – House Reading returns

      The school library is always a busy place but Term 2 is especially so with House Reading encouraging more boys to read and compete. With House Reading, the boys come to the library to tell staff about a book they have just finished and then answer a few questions about it. The House with the most books read during Term 2 wins, with points contributing to the overall House Cup. Book vouchers will be awarded to individual winners in each House.

      This year, I hope our day Houses step up to the challenge, with our boarding Houses taking out the top three spots last year. The success of the boarding Houses reflects the significant affect of encouraging boys to read, even for short periods, each evening.

      By holding our House Reading competition, we want to motivate our students to take the time to enjoy a good book. While our students lead busy lives, the importance of regular reading cannot be overstated, with the educational, social, and wellbeing benefits of reading during teenage years well-documented.

      To support House Reading, I have been visiting boarding Houses in the evening to help students find a book they will enjoy and highlight the importance of reading for pleasure. Dayboys are, of course, also encouraged to see me in the library for assistance with finding a story that is a good fit. Any book they finish can be added to the House points total, as long as it is appropriate for their reading ability. It can even be an audiobook downloaded from the College library. I look forward to hearing from our students about all the books they have enjoyed as they take up the challenge of the competition.

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      IBW college towels 2023 update

      From the Chaplain

      Staff Cameron Pickering 1608 SQ

      The Reverend Canon Cameron Pickering

      In giving service, we show love

      Tēnā koutou katoa.

      Christ is risen. Alleluia. He is risen indeed. Alleluia.

      On Saturday 6 May, many readers will have tuned in, and others truly out, to the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III. Constitutional questions raised here in Aotearoa New Zealand about our future and Head of State, I leave to better minds, but I do think the sermon of The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, is worth reflecting on, regardless of where one stands on the monarchy.

      The full text of his short and incisive sermon can be found here.

      Two parts of the sermon illustrate a Christ-centred approach to leadership – one each of us can adopt within our circle of influence, and one we impress on the boys as they develop their leadership skills.

      The King of Kings, Jesus Christ, was anointed not to be served but to serve. He creates the unchangeable law of good authority that with privilege of power comes the duty to serve.”

      Duty, an unfashionable word to modern ears, is the price we each pay for the relative prosperity we enjoy. Although not heads of state (yet), each member of our community has power to wield for good in our broken world.

      The second quotation from The Most Rev’d Welby gives us the means for performing our duty.

      “Service is love in action. We see active love in our care for the most vulnerable, the way we nurture and encourage the young, in the conservation of the natural world.”

      Justin Welby restates the words of scripture where James writes: “Faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.” (James 2:17).

      We do not spread the love of God by osmosis. Rather, we love, because God first loved us, and that love is found in action. Though the boys attend Chapel and sing the psalms, without love – in active service – they become altogether a clanging gong.

      May God bless not only King Charles, but each and every one of us as we strive in faith to outdo one another in doing good. Alleluia, alleluia.

      Yours in Christ,

      The Rev'd Cameron Pickering

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      Latest News & Events

      2023 01 bridge build judge

      Engineering a new strategy to grow STEM

      The House numbers add up to a highly successful STEM Week at Christ’s College, culminating in a tense battle for mathematics supremacy following bridge-building feats of engineering and a scientific approach to a challenging quiz.

      Read full article
      2023 01 DVC

      Building on Māori culture in city architecture

      Year 12 Design and Visual Communication (DVC) students have been busy exploring Māori culture and architecture in the city, including paddling a waka down the Ōtākaro Avon River.

      Read full article
      2023 01 da vinci decathlon

      Da Vinci Decathlon – rising to the academic challenge

      Christ’s College has hosted New Zealand’s first da Vinci Decathlon, an academic challenge for Years 9–11 students.

      Read full article
      Riley Cycling

      Cyclist Riley Crampton gears up to win national titles

      Year 9 student Riley Crampton has raced away with top honours at the Age Group Road National Cycling Championships in Timaru.

      Read full article

      Upcoming Events


      Saturday 20 May, 8amYears 11–13 Mother and Son Breakfast
      Saturday 20 May, 4pmSingapore Community Visit
      Register now
      Saturday 27 May, 7.30pmFootball Fundraiser – a night at the races
      Book now.
      Wednesday 31 May, 8.30am–3pm

      CCOBA Rugby Reunion (25 Years On, 50 Years On, 60 Years On, 70 Years On)
      Book now

      Thursday 1 June, 5pmScholarships and study in the United States – a virtual presentation by Angus McKenzie
      Register now.
      Thursday 1 June, 7pm

      Parent Education Evening with Jazz Thornton – Understanding youth mental health
      Register now.

      Monday 5 June, 3pmDiploma Q&A for boarding parents

      Register now.

      Tuesday 20 June, 6pm

      Tauranga Community Visit

      Book now.

      Thursday 22 June, 6.30pm

      Parents' Association House Music Festival

      Friday 30 June, 6–9pmChrist's College Parents' Association Midwinter Drinks
      Book now
      Wednesday 19 July, 6pmDunedin Young Old Boys (YOBs) Event

      Register now.

      Wednesday 2 August, 6pmAkaroa Community Visit
      Register now

      Tuesday 8 August, 6pm

      Hawke's Bay Community Visit
      Register now.
      Wednesday 29 November, 6pmChristchurch Young Old Boys (YOBs) Event
      Register now

      Friday 8 September, 10.15am–12pmGrandparents' Day
      Friday 8 September, 7–10.30pm

      Christ's College Parents' Association Spring Bling

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      Staff Chris Sellars

      Chris Sellars
      Careers Advisor

      Upcoming careers dates

      17 MayAra, 10.15am, Year 12, during Congers
      17 MayNZ Defence Force Information Evening, Air Force Museum of New Zealand, Wigram, 6pm
      24 MayNZ Defence Force, 10.15am, Year 11, during Congers
      26 MayUniversity of Canterbury Year 12 Discovery Day, registrations close
      26–27 MayUniversity of Waikato (Hamilton) Open Day
      30 May

      NZ College of Chiropractic Information Evening, 7pm, 29 Leeds Street, Phillipstown

      30 MayLincoln University Information Evening, 4.30pm, The Piano 156 Armagh Street
      1 JuneAra medical imaging information, 9am–12pm, Ara Manawa campus, Years 11–13
      8 JuneAra Institute of Canterbury Open Day, 3–6pm
      8 JuneUniversity of Canterbury Year 12 Discovery Day, 9am–3pm
      22 JuneAra Information Evening, 5.30–6.30pm
      26 June

      Ara introduction to nursing, Ara Manawa campus, Years 11–13, 9am–12pm

      28 JuneUniversity of Canterbury Virtual Information Evening, 6pm, online
      AugustUniversity of Auckland scholarships applications close
      3 AugustMassey University (Manawatū) Campus Taster Day
      24 AugustAra-specific dual enrolment event
      25 AugustMassey University (Wellington) Open Day (TBC)
      25 AugustVictoria University of Wellington Open Day
      26 AugustAUT Live Open Day (TBC)
      26 AugustUniversity of Auckland Open Day
      8 SeptemberUniversity of Canterbury Open Day
      27 SeptemberUniversity of Canterbury, accommodation applications close
      29 SeptemberLincoln University Open Day (during school holidays)
      30 SeptemberUniversity of Auckland, first round accommodation applications close
      OctoberUniversity of Auckland, applications to study open
      DecemberUniversity of Auckland, applications to study close

      Christ's College CareerWise

      The Christ’s College careers website, CareerWise, is a rich source of information about all things related to career information. Check it out and sign up for weekly alerts by subscribing here.

      Below are recent postings on the College careers website:

      UC Year 12 Discovery Day – 8 June

      An informative Discovery Day for Year 12 students, with those attending required to register. When they register, they will need to choose the lectures they wish to attend. Registration closes on Friday 26 May. Register early to get the lectures of choice. Boys need to inform me when they have registered.

      University of Canterbury – useful links

        School subjects and career opportunities

        Discover where your school subjects can take you. Careers NZ has put together posters featuring career opportunities. Boys can learn more about career options based on the subjects they enjoy.

        University of Melbourne – 101 Webinars

        The University of Melbourne regularly runs webinars for interstate and New Zealand students interested in knowing more about the university and the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) application process. Click here to read more.

        University scholarships for Year 13 students

        MoneyHub has published a guide to hundreds of scholarships for any student planning to start university in 2024. It includes:

        • A comprehensive list of scholarships offered by every university, as well as those specifically available to local students
        • A list of privately funded, Māori, Pacific, and international university scholarships.

        MoneyHub has also published tips for scholarship success.

        Victoria University of Wellington – admission and enrolment from 2024

        Admission applications and course enrolments are now a two-step process at Victoria University of Wellington. Students first choose a degree and apply for admission, and then – after accepting an offer – they can enrol for their courses. The university encourages students to start their application process once they have decided on their degree. Students will have to register for a Pūaha account to apply for admission, scholarships, and accommodation.

        For the first time, all these applications are in the same place. Read the steps to enrol.

        Victoria University of Wellington school leaver scholarships

        Applications for the Te Herenga Waka ─ Victoria University of Wellington school-leaver scholarships open in June. There are seven different scholarships available, including three new scholarships.

        New scholarships

        Full details are available on the university website.

        Otago Reach Scholarship

        A scholarship for Year 13 Māori secondary students interested in a career in health, it covers flights, accommodation, food, and activities over three days. All applicants must have an aspiration for a career in health. Studying science subjects at NCEA Levels 2 and 3, and involvement or interest in Te Ao Māori will strengthen their application. You can find further information and must apply by 15 June 2023.

        Thinking about university?

        With school-leaver decision making in full swing, Universities New Zealand — Te Pōkai Tara’s 2024 Thinking about university? resources are now live at

        In Black & White – Careers

        I share a range of relevant information with parents and boys via In Black & White. However, I am aware that not all boys read the school newsletter, so I hope parents will use the information provided as a springboard for investigation, discussion, and inspiration to support their sons as they consider their futures. Please contact me with any suggestions regarding careers, or if you require any career-related advice for your son.

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        From the Archives

        Jane Teal


        I have written from time to time that being sidetracked is all part of an archivist accumulating knowledge that proves useful in other context. This In Black & White article is the result of just such a sidetrack.

        The Kitchen Superintendent, Miss Young, had obviously been getting low on stocks because the Finance Committee on 26 March 1920 approved the “importing from Messrs Gibbons Paterson Ltd [sic] of Wanganui crockery from the Grindley Works at a total cost of £228.0.0”.i

        Gibsons & Paterson was founded in 1908 by John Gibson, who employed and then formed a partnership with Leonard Paterson.ii Its advertisements showed that it stocked everything, from arms and ammunition to wine and spirits, corrugated iron, and spices. It was the advertisement in the Wanganui Chronicle of 29 April 1911 that caught my eye. It stated the firm was: “Direct importers from the Potteries. Retail Crockery at Wholesale Prices.” So that explained the reference to the Grindley Worksiii in the Minutes, for it was about 1908 that the Grindley Hotel Ware Co was set up as a sister company.

        Christ’s College obviously decided that this was the crockery sturdy enough for it at this time, and, as the dated examples below show, was purchased for many years. This firm conveniently printed the clues to the date of manufacture alongside the other details. The Duraline name was first used by Grindley in the 1930s.

        This cup can be dated to November 1937.

        The mustard pot is dated November 1938.

        This mug can be dated to February 1957.

        This plate has the date of May 1968.

        Locally, Grafton China was first advertised by Louis Vangioni, a general merchant in Akaroaiv.

        Manufactured by AB Jones & Sons, the College plate and cup from Gibsons & Paterson are earlier than the Grindley examples, perhaps as early as 1900–1913 based on the maker’s mark. College turned to this firm again in 1950, in association with JB Ballantyne and Co Ltd, when cup, saucer, and plate sets were produced, as well as a small vase and large bowl.

        Australian Fine Chinav appeared in the Dining Hall in 1992. The B in the centre of the map suggested that it was produced about the time the ownership changed from Bristile Ltd to Futuris Ltd.

        Today, Dining Hall crockery is plain and unadorned.

        i See Finance Committee Minutes 5 February 1920 when the matter was first raised and the correct firm name was supplied. By the time GAU Tapper reported on 26 March 1920 the incorrect name was recorded.

        The firm was established in 1880 at the Newfield Pottery and moved to the Woodland Pottery in 1891. The firm manufactured earthenware and ironstone china.
        iv Akaroa Mail and Banks Peninsula Advertiser 20 February 1914

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